Page 78 of Firestarter

I dropped my bag in at Perdita’s before rehearsal. “I invited Victor to study today,” I told her. “Do you mind?”

“Actually, I need to pop out for a bit, so I’m glad you have company.”

“Where? Do you need me to do something for you? We can hold off studying if you need help with something.”

She laughed. “You’re starting to sound like Dorian. No, I need some fresh air. If you’re busy with Victor, then I’m going to rope Tammie into coming for a walk with me.”

“Oh. Well, if you’re sure.”

“I’m sure. Now run along. You don’t want to be late. I know what Tammie’s like.”

So did I. On my way to the shed, I skidded right into a tall, dark-haired man. I’d seen him around, but I didn’t know his name.

“Excuse me.” I sidestepped, but he got in my way again. “Did you want something?”

“I caught one of your friends sniffing around the shed earlier.” He adjusted his posture. I was tall, but he was even taller than Dorian and far more intimidating.

“So? We have rehearsals.”

His dark eyes burned with unspoken anger. “Then why did he run when I saw him?”

“Maybe you were being threatening.” I fought back the fear that had been creeping up on me since he blocked my path. “Like you’re trying to be right now.”

“Are you scared?” He sneered and took a step closer to me. “I don’t trust you.”

“Like I care.” I stepped back. “Get lost.”

“If you hurt anyone here, I’ll end you.” Something shifted in his face, a disturbing lack of control. That had to mean trouble. “Monster,” he snarled.

He rushed at me. I couldn’t even scream. My entire body went cold. I held up my arms and when he grabbed my wrists, his fingers digging into my flesh, all of my fear came out of me.

So did the cold.

The werewolf hissed and jumped back, the monster in his eyes disappearing only to be replaced by fear. I stared at my hands. What had I done?

He fled, but more footsteps came from behind me. I whirled around, panicking. Another werewolf. Less tall, less intimidating, but a lot more suspicious of me.

“I didn’t mean it,” I blurted. “I don’t know how I did that!”

He looked over my shoulder. “You scared him off.”

“I’m sorry.”

He met my gaze. “Don’t be. He probably deserved it.”

“He was angry. He said my friend was sneaking around. I don’t know what he means. The drama club is here today. We’re supposed to be here.”

“He mentioned that.” He hesitated. “My brother would probably prefer it if you didn’t tell anyone about this.” He held out his hand. “I’m Jorge, by the way.”

I shook his hand. “Margo.”

He grinned. “I know. Don’t mind Pavel. He acts angry when he’s scared, and he seems to be terrified of you. I’ll talk to him.”

They had the same eyes, only Jorge’s weren’t angry. “I should go,” I said, feeling embarrassed. I had never used my cold to hurt somebody before. I wasn’t sure how I had managed it. Everyone would freak if they found out. “Let’s pretend this never happened.”

I headed to the shed and pushed the incident out of my mind. I should have been afraid, but the way I had run off that angry werewolf had been a bit badass, albeit accidental.

Rehearsals went well. Despite Chloe’s complaint, the teen wolves had done a lot of work on the set pieces, but Tammie had some news for us.