Page 5 of Firestarter

I lay there, holding my breath, while Nathan Evans strode out of the smoke, carrying an unconscious figure. “Alive,” he said grimly.

I stared up at a cloudy sky and tried to remember to breathe, but the cold was so sharp by then that every breath hurt. Adam began to whimper, but I couldn’t move to help him.

A fire brigade arrived, followed by an ambulance shortly afterwards. Dorian helped me to the jeep to escape the black smoke overhead while a paramedic checked on Adam. There were so many people around that the noise levels grew overwhelming. I couldn’t tell what was happening with his parents.

The cold kept rolling through me in waves. I stumbled at the jeep, leaning against it because I couldn’t stand up on my own.

“Are you okay?” Dorian asked, lifting my chin to take a good look at me.

I glanced at the scene, at the firefighters putting out the fire, at the second ambulance pulling up as the first left. I couldn’t seem to speak.

“It’s okay,” he said. “Everybody’s alive.”

So why did I feel as though I were dying?

We got into the backseat of the jeep, where I leaned my head on Dorian’s shoulder and waited for news. I didn’t know what else to do other than focus on getting one full breath of air into my lungs.

Nathan came to the jeep to talk to Dorian, but he kept sweeping worried glances my way. “You doing okay there, Margo?”

I nodded, my lips trembling.

Frowning, he turned and waved at somebody. “Abbi! Can you give me a sec?”

One of the paramedics jogged over. “I heard you were first on the scene. Talk about luck. Did you see the crash?”

“I was close. Margo here is the one who warned us.”

She looked at me and immediately frowned. “She looks half-frozen.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll keep an eye on her.” He lowered his voice. “Both parents gonna make it?”

“I should think so. Looked worse than it was.”

“Alcohol involved,” he said under his breath.

“I’m not surprised.” She looked at me and frowned again. “Take care of this one.”

“I will. Perdita’s dad will check on her.”

“Good enough. I better get going.” She waved then left.

Amelia jumped into the jeep. “We should get out of here. We’re just in the way.”

“I was about to ask you to take the kids home,” Nathan said. “Get Stephen to call over to Margo’s house. She’s too pale.”

“I will. She’s probably exhausted. You sticking around?”

“Yeah, I’ll walk if I can’t get a lift back. See you all later.”

I took one last look at the wreckage and shivered. If I hadn’t been in the woods with Amelia, would I have felt something? I barely knew Adam, but maybe our weak connection had been enough to find him. Perhaps Amelia’s training had helped. A small voice whispered that there was a chance something had happened because I was in the woods with Amelia. I brushed that one aside, choosing to ignore it.

Either way, I fell asleep until we arrived at my house where Dorian gently shook me awake.

He looked me over in concern. “Sure you’re all right?”

I yawned and nodded. “I overdid it, is all. You know how it is. I’ll call you when I’ve napped more.”

Amelia turned in her seat. “Don’t forget. Perdita’s dad is coming over to keep an eye on you. He shouldn’t be long.”

“Okay,” I said. “See you later.”

“And well done,” she added with a smile. “You saved that family.”

I tried to smile back, but it was all I could do to lean on Dorian as little as possible as he helped me to my front door.

“Rest up.” He dropped a kiss on my forehead. “You did a lot today."

I waved him off, acting as though I was fine, but when I went inside, I barely made it to the sofa. Whatever I did took more out of me than I liked to admit.