Page 120 of Firestarter

Pavel and I faced off. He was larger than me, and he wasn’t afraid of me. He growled, about to pounce on me, when Victor barrelled into his side, rolling them both over. I waited carefully, wary of the timing, then gripped Pavel by the scruff of the neck and hauled him off Victor before he went for his throat. We worked together then, pinning Pavel, who lay on his back, panting heavily, his eyes wide.

Other wolves circled us. Ryan, I knew for sure, but even Jorge. I held his gaze, warning him with a snarl, but he stood shoulder to shoulder with Ryan, making sure no other wolves tried to help his brother.

It was then I realised how many members of the pack had shown up. More cars, more people. How long had the fight gone on for? Whose side were they on? I tensed, bracing myself for another attack.

The alpha approached in human form, a stern, hard look in his eyes. I wanted to shrink away, but my grip somehow tightened on Pavel instead. Victor stayed, too, though he made himself look smaller. Pavel had already stopped struggling.

“Pavel.” Byron sounded so disappointed, I thought I caught emotion in his voice. “I put that girl under my protection, and you hunted her down like a coward. You give me no choice. You directly disobeyed me and risked the pack. Even now, people are looking from their windows. How could you do this?”

Pavel’s mother launched herself out of a car, already crying. She dropped to her knees in front of Byron, pleading with him. “It’s my fault. All his life, I told him stories of harbingers and dark things who would destroy us. I frightened him. He only wanted to protect us, his family, his pack.”

“Do you think I cannot protect the pack?” Byron growled. “Do you think me so weak?”

She pressed her forehead against the ground. “No. Of course not. He thought if the girl was gone then no more harbingers would find the pack, and we would be safe. I’ll take his punishment. It was all me, my thoughtless words. Please, don’t do this.”

Pavel whimpered beneath me. Jorge had already looked away, unable to watch. It was awful, even for me, but it was hard to feel too sympathetic when I thought of the fear on Margo’s face.

Except she had no fear now, as she jumped out of her car, holding one arm carefully. “Hold on,” she cried out. “I have something I need to say first.”