Ariana grabbed her friends, and they followed Damon into the trees.

Charles was already waiting. “Finally! Ryan’s almost here.”

“Why are we hiding?” Rita asked. “There are five of us. He doesn’t stand a chance.”

“He could have a gun,” Damon said. “We need to see what he does. Assess the situation.”

“Maya or Olivia could be in there. Or both.”

“And we’ll have an easier time getting in if he unlocks the door.”

“Fair point,” Rita said. “Then we take him.”

Gravel crunched on the road. Ryan appeared, jaunting toward the cabin.

Ariana’s blood turned to ice.

This was really happening. It was hardly the first time she had been in a dangerous situation, but it never got easier when her life or the lives of people she cared about were on the line. The stakes were always the same — there was no coming back from death.

Ryan reached the porch and stopped. Unlocked the door.

“We need to get in,” she said. “Before he closes the door.”

“I agree,” Rita said. “Time to attack.”

“Someone needs to call the police,” Lia said.

Damon pulled out his phone. “No reception.”

“Then go to the main road. Call them.”

Damon started to say something, but Ariana leaped out and ran toward the cabin.

Reached the porch just as the door was closing.

She put her foot in the space. Stopped it. She held up her knife, ready to defend herself.

Moments passed. The door didn’t open further. Ryan didn’t appear.

Did he not notice?

Ariana turned to where the others were and gestured that she was going inside. She nudged the door. Peeked in.

The room was dark, but brighter than outside. A light from another room lit up the living room. The furnishings were more modern than in the other cabin. Not that it was a hard feat.

She tiptoed inside. Tilted her head to listen.


Ari made her way to the light source.

An empty kitchen.

He must have gone upstairs.

She turned around. Stopped. Something caught her eye.

A slightly open door partially hidden by the fridge.