“Ariana!” Damon called from the other room. “Come here.”

She pulled herself from her thoughts and opened the front door. Then she went back to the junk room. “I opened the door, but there isn’t anything to see. And nobody’s here.”

“Lia and Charles found another cabin. And there’s a light shining in one of the windows.”

Ari dropped her flashlight. “What?”


She scrambled to grab the flashlight and raced outside, around to where Damon stood with Charles. “Where?”

“Follow me.” Charles ran into the woods.

“Is it them?” Ari asked, as she and Damon took off after him.

“It has to be. This property is tied to Ryan.”

“I hope they’re still alive.” Her heart broke at the thought of not getting to them in time.

“They are.” Damon sounded like he was trying to convince himself as well as her. They both knew how crazy Ryan was, considering he had to be the person burying all those bodies in Rosy Hills.

“What I don’t get,” she said, “is why he would bury those bodies in the neighborhood when he has all this land at his disposal.”

“He could want to get caught. Think of all the famous killers who did stupid things after years of flawless crime sprees.”

“That means he might have a conscience.” The thought filled her with hope — they might be able to reason with him to let the twins go.

“Or he might want notoriety. Murderers are the least likely criminals to have morals.”

“He has a family,” she said. “I have to believe he cares on some level. Even if it’s subconscious.”

“Let’s hope.”

Charles’s flashlight beam stopped bouncing up and down.

Ari grabbed Damon’s hand. “Are we here?”

“Looks like it.”

They caught up with their friend.

In front of them, across a grassy field, stood a cabin the size of a small home.

A dim light shone from behind curtains on the top floor.