
Ariana looked toward the woods. Couldn’t see anything with the sun almost completely hidden. The only things she could see were in the clearing.

“Did you hear that?” she asked.

Lia and Rita both whispered no.

“We should check it out.” Ariana marched toward the trees.

“Are you crazy?” Lia asked. “It could be a wild animal.”

“Or it could be Maya.” Ari braced for the worst, her finger on the pepper gel nozzle.

Rita caught up with her, holding a small turquoise and black gun in ready position.

Two men leaped out from the trees.

Lia gasped.


Ariana’s ears rang from the gunshot.

“It’s us!” The man waved his arms. “Damon and Charles.”

Ari’s knees turned to rubber.

Lia ran over to them.

“I wouldn’t have fired if I knew it was the guys,” Rita said.

“Good thing you missed.”

“It was a warning shot.”

Ariana ran over to Damon.

“We’ve been trying to reach you.” He embraced her.

She clung to him. “Sorry, we didn’t have time to stop.”

“Did you find Ryan?”

“Not yet.”

“There’s a cabin not far from here,” Charles said.

“You found the cabin?” Ariana exclaimed.

“Take us to it,” Rita said.

They followed Damon and Charles, needing their flashlights to see anything under the thick cover of the trees.

Ariana raced over to the small structure as soon as it came into view. Saw the windows blocked with newspaper.

She knocked on the wall.

“What are you doing?” Lia asked.