“They could be in here.” Charles eyed the door.
“Let’s look around before we do something extreme.”
“I think we’ve already passed that point. Those No Trespassing signs make me think someone already has a gun pointed at us.”
“Come on.” Damon headed down a narrow path.
Charles muttered about them wasting time.
“You can go back and knock down the door, but I’d like to see if we can find our wives first.”
“They could be inside.”
“Like I said, you can go back if you want to.”
“We’re better off sticking together.”
Damon started to agree, but stopped in his tracks. They came to a lake. The sky and water both glowed bright orange. It nearly blinded him as his eyes adjusted.
“Are those palm trees?” Charles asked.
Damon squinted. Sure enough, on the other side of the lake someone had planted palm trees.
“How do those stay alive in this climate?”
“No idea,” Damon said. “Don’t really care right now.”
Damon leaped behind a tree.
Charles joined him.
Someone stepped out into the clearing.