The GPS showed that was the right way.

Damon’s breath caught in his throat.

Ariana was so close. Was she safe?

More bloody images spun in his mind’s eye.

“You okay?” Charles pulled over in front of the other car.

“Let’s find them.”

“I’m ready.” Charles patted the pocket where he’d concealed his pistol.

They exited the car and hurried toward the turnoff.

“Are you going to set the alarm?” Damon asked.

“Who’s going to steal it out here? We’re more likely to need a quick getaway.”

“Good thinking.” Damon focused his attention to see if he could hear anything.

Nothing other than some birds squawking in the distance.

They came to a large steel gate locked with a code box. Half a dozen No Trespassing signs warned them away.

Charles tapped the gate. “It’s not electrical. Come on.”

They climbed over, kicking up dust as they landed on the hard earth.

The road continued, turning from dirt to gravel. Thick trees protected them on either side — and also hid anyone who might be watching.

Damon sent Ari a quick text letting her know they were in.

No response.

He focused on the path, not allowing violent images in his mind. Checked his pockets. Everything was in place.

“How much farther do you think it is?” Charles asked.

“I hope not too much.”

“I’m starting to worry about our wives.”

“They know what they’re doing.” Damon was trying to convince himself more than Charles.

“Still, they’ve been silent too long for my liking.”

“If they’re smart, their phones are all on vibrate.”

Charles pulled out his and checked before putting it back.


They turned to the left simultaneously.

“What was that?” Charles whispered.

Damon pulled out a pocketknife larger than his hand. “Sounded like a branch.”