Damon: Hopefully not. Love you.

Ariana: Love you more.

He texted the address, and she put it into the car’s navigation.

Rita turned down the music. “Another thirty minutes?”

“Longer the way you drive,” Lia griped.

“What’ll take more time is if I have to pull over because you won’t drop your attitude.”

“Now I have an attitude?”

“You’ve had one toward me ever since you found out I was pregnant!”

“Since I found out the dad is married.”

“Was,” Rita snapped. “He’s dead now, remember?”

“I thought you two already worked this out,” Ariana said.

“What’s to work out?” Lia asked. “We can’t trust her around our husbands.”

“Even if I didn’t trust Rita, which I do, I trust Damon.”

“Maybe that’s the real issue.” Rita shot a quick glare at Lia. “Do you not want to admit that you don’t trust Charles?”

“Excuse me?”

“If you were as secure in your relationship with Charles as Ari is with Damon, then you wouldn’t have a problem with me, would you?”

“Now I’m insecure?” Lia crossed her arms.

“You want to walk the rest of the way?” Rita asked. “I’ll pull over, and you can get out.”

“I thought you were worried about pulling over being illegal.”

“Anything to get you to stop talking.”

“Maybe I can find a married man to replace me in here.”

Ariana whipped around and gave Lia a pleading look. “You two can work this out later! We need to focus, to be at the top of our game.”

“Not trusting her is a legitimate worry.”

“We all have each other’s backs. We’re friends, remember?”

“Friends don’t lie.”

“What did I lie about?” Rita exclaimed. “You both knew I had boyfriends because Boone spent more time with his whores than me. I never kept any of that a secret. You never once brought up your moral superiority before my abduction.”

“I didn’t have a problem with you sleeping with single men.”

“Why can’t you get it through your head that I would never do that to you? In fact, the baby daddy is the only married man I’ve ever been with. And for the record, as I’ve already told you, he was just as miserable in his marriage as I was. He would’ve bailed long before, but she was using the kids against him.”

“Kids are involved?” Lia asked. “That’s even worse.”

“You act like I’m still seeing him.”

Ariana thought about interjecting her thoughts again, but it wouldn’t do any good. Lia and Rita obviously needed to have it out before making up. She did her best to tune them out as they circled the same arguments.

Finally, they came to the turnoff onto the dirt road.

“Can we focus on what’s important?” Ari said. “You two need to put aside your differences, because Maya’s and Olivia’s lives are going to depend on it.”

They both agreed.

Hopefully they would stick to their promise.