“You know,” Lia said, “if you throw us out of the car before we get there, it’s only going to take longer to find Maya.”

“Especially if we end up in the ER,” Ari said.

“Just close the doors,” Rita said. “We don’t have time to waste.”

Ari and Lia managed to close the doors while Rita zipped down the street. They exchanged a glance, but didn’t say anything.

Rita was right. There were more important matters at hand.

They screeched to a stop in front of the Kane’s house. Maya’s car was there, but Ryan’s was not.

Brigit, dressed in yoga clothes, got out of her car and turned to them. “Is everything okay?”

“Where’s Maya?” Rita demanded.

“Inside, I would imagine. Who are you? Why are you here?”

“We’re Maya’s friends, and we’re worried about her,” Ariana said. “Did Ryan come home?”

“His car isn’t here.”

“That isn’t what she asked,” Lia snapped. “Maya sent us a text that she’s in trouble. We can’t reach her.”

Brigit pulled out her phone and swiped the screen a few times. “The camera shows he came in and — oh no.”

“What?” Rita said, and the three of them raced to see the footage.

Brigit swallowed. “He left in his car with Maya. She was struggling.”

Ariana’s stomach lurched. She dug out the detective’s card and handed it to her. “Send the video to Detective Rojas.”

Rita and Lia headed toward Rita’s car.

“Where are you going?” Brigit asked.

“To your second property,” Ariana said. “We need the address.”

“Come again?”

It took Ari a moment to find her voice. “You don’t have another house? Cabin, maybe? Or a relative’s lake house? Anything?”

“This is our only home, and none of our relatives live in the area.”

“Come on!” Rita called.

“If you happen to come across the address,” Ariana said to Brigit, “tell that to the detective too. Call her now.”

Brigit started to say something, but Ari raced back into the car and slammed the door. “I need to call Damon. She doesn’t know anything.”

“That’s what she claims,” Lia said.

“She looked genuinely confused when I brought it up. It makes sense if you think about it. Why would Ryan tell her about the place he’s been killing women?”

“This is so messed up,” Rita said. “How many criminals do we have in our neighborhood? Rosy Hills is supposed to be safe.”

“People are rarely what they seem,” Ariana said. “Social media is proof enough of that.”

“Yeah, but most people don’t do the things Boone and Ryan do.”