“I wish I knew.”

“Take deep breaths,” Alex said. “This will all work out, I promise.”

“You don’t know that.”

“This is all part of the process. Let them eliminate you two, and then you can move on with your lives. Do you want me to drive over?”

“I appreciate the offer, but we’ll be able to handle this. Besides, I don’t want to pull you away from Zoey and the twins.”

“I doubt they’d miss me. Zoey is so involved with her business these days, and Laney and Zander are in the throes of middle school. I’m as embarrassing and uncool as you can get.” Alex chuckled.

Under any other circumstances, Damon would’ve shared the humor. “Do you have any other advice for us?”

“If you feel any pressure from the detectives, call your attorney right away. You don’t have to answer any question you aren’t comfortable with. You have rights. Don’t forget that.”

“That’s why I walked away from my interrogation. Thanks, Alex.”

“No problem. Call me anytime.”

They said goodbye and Damon ended the call.

Ariana appeared inside the waiting room.

Time to find out how her questioning went.