Must be something good in there. That would have to wait.

More dusting. Next door.

The knob twisted.

She held her breath as she opened the door.

A small library. Every wall was lined with shelves that went up to the ceiling. Each one was filled with books. All meant for reading, none for record keeping.

She walked around dusting, scanning the spines for anything out of place. Something that might hold the documents she needed.

Olivia would have loved this room. Reading had excited her from the time they were little. Maya preferred to watch the screen version of any story.

For as similar as she and her twin were on the outside, they were every bit the opposite on the inside. Maya loved dogs, Olivia adored cats. Maya wanted tacos for every meal, but Olivia would only eat noodles.

They used to drive their parents crazy. Their mom always said no matter what she made to eat, she was starving one of her children because they would never eat the same thing.

Luckily things like books, dogs, and tacos were only surface level. They cared about each other and would do anything to protect one another. That was what counted. Why Maya was here, working as a nanny to find her sister.

Next door. Also locked.

She would have to check these every day. Eventually, someone would have to leave one unlocked.

But did her sister have that much time?

Maya needed to find something now.

There was no time to waste.

She continued dusting, checking knobs. After checking the third one, she was about ready to give up and look somewhere else.

The fourth door opened.

She stared, hardly able to believe it. Not only did the door open, but the room was an office.

Just what she was looking for.

Maya stepped in and dusted, trying to appear disinterested. She wanted to rip open every drawer and rifle through the contents.

When she came to the file cabinet, she pulled open the top drawer and dusted along the edges, fanning the files. Each one was labeled taxes and had a year next to it.


Unless one held the deed to a property in the woods. But it was anyone’s guess where to start.

If Ryan was responsible for the bodies found on the other street, he had to have been at this for a long time. How many others had he taken? Killed?

Her stomach lurched.

The man gave off such a slimy aura, it wouldn’t surprise her if he was the killer.

At least the detectives seemed to be taking her seriously. They actually filed a missing person report, unlike all of her attempts in the other places where Olivia had worked.

But proving murder would take a whole lot more.

Which was why she needed to find that deed. Now.

Heavy footsteps sounded in the hallway.