
Maya put the last of the groceries away and took in the silence. She had the house to herself for at least an hour. The kids were at preschool and Brigit should just be starting her yoga class.

While getting them ready for preschool, both Lola and Noah had called her Olivia at least once. Further proof that her sister had worked here.

The question was, where was Olivia now? Way out in the woods where Ryan went the night before? That was the only thing that made any sense, but without proof she couldn’t make any assumptions.

There had to be a paper trail — he couldn’t own property without it. Even just renting an apartment meant filling out a ton of paperwork. Buying property had to be even more complicated.

She filled a glass with water, gulped it down, and wandered through the house. The living room was filled with expensive furnishings and artwork. Other rooms showcased large family portraits. The less formal rooms held toys and showcased art by little hands. Even though the main part of the house looked child-free at least the kids had their spaces. Their rooms especially were every little kid’s dream.

But that wasn’t why she was here.

Maya needed to find what she could about the secret property.

She went to the utility closet and found what she needed to dust, giving her the excuse in case anyone did come home to find her snooping.

Or she could demand answers. But that wouldn’t get her anywhere. Probably just fired. Then she wouldn’t have access to the house anymore.

Maya dusted picture frames in the hallway — not that they needed it — and stopped at the first closed door.

Guest bedroom. Generic flowered decor with no personal belongings. The last place anyone would put important paperwork.

Unless they wanted to hide it.

Could be worth a quick look. Especially since she already had the door open, and if they had cameras, it would look less suspicious if she went in.

She brushed over the surfaces, making sure to open every drawer — all empty — and under the bed. Even the closet had relatively few items. And definitely no paperwork to any property in the woods for holding nannies prisoner.

That thought made her pause.

Even if she was in danger, at least Ryan would bring her to Olivia.

And Maya had pocketknives and bear spray tucked away in her pockets.

She would defend herself and her twin.

Then get them as far away as possible.

One thing at a time. First she needed to find proof this wasn’t a wild goose chase. So far, all she had was following a car that she felt sure had to be Ryan’s.

There was a seed of doubt. She hadn’t seen the driver behind the dark windows.

One thing was certain — he hadn’t wanted to be seen. And that made him all the more suspicious.

It had to have been him.

But maybe it wasn’t.

This family was the last link to Olivia, so she would do whatever it took to find answers. The clues had to be in this house.

They weren’t in the nondescript guest room.

She needed to get into the master bedroom. Most of the doors were closed, and if she pretended to dust each room, it could take all week to find what she needed. The kids only spent a few hours at preschool each day, and she’d already used over an hour grocery shopping and putting the food away.

Maya dusted more picture frames in the hall and turned the knob to the next door.
