“Are you sure?” Maya asked. “You don’t even know me.”

“I know what you’re going through. Or close enough. You can tell me about your sister. Or you can go to sleep, if that’s what you need.”

Maya’s expression softened. “You’re really sweet.”

“Come on.” Rita waved her over. “You’ve got to see what I did to my soon-to-be ex’s office.”

“This sounds interesting.”

Everyone said goodnight before splitting up.

Ariana turned to Charles as he closed the door behind them. “I’m glad you’re back. You planning on talking to the detectives?”

“I’m hoping they don’t care about me anymore now that they have a real suspect.”

“Did you ever find out why they thought you were involved?”

“Never made it that far.” Charles stuffed his hands in his pockets. “Just that they had a warrant.”

“Don’t you think we should call them?”

“I don’t want to think about it anymore tonight. I’m going to bed.” Charles walked away and trudged up the stairs.

Ari gave Lia a hug. “I’m so glad he’s back.”

She frowned. “But for how long?”

“You think he’s going to take off again?”

“Or have to go to the station.”

“I don’t see why. Ryan looks like a prime suspect.”

“They must have some kind of evidence against Charles. What could it be?”

“No idea, but it’s probably a stretch. The only thing tying him to the bodies is the fact that you guys live in between the two properties. It’s circumstantial.”

“We’ll see if they take the Ryan lead seriously enough to leave Charles alone. But without knowing what the evidence is, I won’t be able to stop thinking about it.”

Ariana squeezed her again. “You’ve got to quit worrying so much. It isn’t good for you.”

“Have you looked at my life recently? It’s all stress!”

“Everything will work out.”

“You can’t promise that.”

“Look at Damon and me. The cops were all over us, but now we’re off their list. The same will hold true for you and Charles.”


“They’ll find Olivia and arrest Ryan. There won’t be any reason to look at Charles.”

“Only if they can tie all the bodies to Ryan. What are the chances?”

“Whoever buried those women also killed them. It was one person.”

“They might think Charles was working with Ryan. Then what?”