Ariana introduced him and Maya, then the trio went inside. Everything was in 50s decor, right down to the full wall of signed posters of celebrities. The other customers looked like permanent fixtures.

A blonde woman in her sixties behind the counter welcomed them with a warm smile and invited them to seat themselves.

They sat at a table under a poster of Lucille Ball laughing.

“How long have you been looking for your sister?” Damon asked Maya.

“About a week. She’s a hard one to track down. I’ve been following old leads until today.”

“You’re sure she was working as the Kane’s nanny?”

“Absolutely. Both Ryan and Brigit looked like they saw a ghost when they met me. And the kids thought I was Olivia.”

“They didn’t find that suspicious?”

The blonde woman came over with pen and paper in hand. Her name tag read Sally. “Welcome again. Haven’t seen you fine people in these parts before.”

“We’re here on business,” Damon said.

“We’re looking at homes and cabins,” Ariana said at the same time.

“We’re in real estate,” Maya said.

Sally lifted a brow but didn’t ask more. “The menus are there.” She nodded toward the stack against the wall behind the napkin dispenser. “And we serve breakfast all the time. Can I get you anything to start with?”

They ordered drinks while grabbing the menus.

“There has to be a way to figure out where Ryan’s place is,” Maya said. “Your dad’s a cop, right? Can’t he find the address?”

“It’s probably a public record,” Damon said, trying to decide between an omelet and pancakes.

“We can just look online?”

“Should be able to. Worst case, we’d have to go to the courthouse.”

Maya pulled out her phone and tapped furiously on the screen.

Sally returned with their drinks and took their orders before scurrying back behind the counter.

“They don’t make this easy,” Maya muttered. “I can’t find anything about a cabin, or even just property out here.”

“Can you find info on his home?” Ari asked.

Maya tapped some more. “No. Even that isn’t showing up.”

“It isn’t?”


“Maybe it’s under Brigit’s name.” Ariana whipped out her phone. “And it is. See?”

Damon and Maya both looked.

“I’ll bet he loves that,” Maya said. “He seems like a total misogynist. I can tell by the way he spoke to Brigit and me.”

“The property could be under her name.”
