“We know where he takes them,” Ariana said, her determination growing stronger. “Even if we don’t find him now, we can figure it out later. Tell the detectives.”

“He could be anywhere.” Maya’s voice cracked. “And Olivia’s been gone a long time. What if him seeing me made him want to kill her? What if—?”

“You didn’t do anything wrong. Looking for her is the best thing you could’ve done. Now the police have a new person of interest. Someone who could actually be guilty. Nobody suspected him until you showed up.”

Maya sniffled. “If anything happens to Olivia, I’ll never forgive myself.”

Ariana stopped and turned to her.

Tears streamed down Maya’s face.

Ari held her hand. “Your sister is closer to being found. That couldn’t have happened without you.”

“But we don’t even know where he went.” Maya wiped her tears.

“We’ll keep looking until we find her.” Ariana squeezed her hand then turned her attention back to the road.

The farther they went, the more turnoffs they passed.

“We don’t even know if we’re even in the right area, and she could be anyplace,” Maya said.

“We’ll go down each road if we need to.”

“That could take a long time.”

“It’ll be worth it if we find her.”

“But you have a life. I’m sure you have a job to get to in the morning.”

“My work is keeping women safe,” Ariana said. “So in a sense, finding Olivia is my job.”

“What do you mean?”

“Damon and I teach personal safety to women and girls. Ideally, to keep them out of situations like this. But since your sister is in trouble right now, I’m going to do what I can to help.”

“But if Ryan buried those other bodies, then he plans on killing her too. And the statistics show that after twenty-four hours, most victims are already dead.”

“Not all.”

“But most.”

“Rita and I have both survived being abducted longer than a day,” Ariana said.

“For real?”

“Yeah. Damon too, actually.”

“Is your neighborhood cursed?” Maya asked.

Ariana cringed. Damon and Rita had both used the same word.

“Who else has been kidnapped?”

“Damon and I were abducted long before we moved here. And Rita’s had nothing to do with Ryan. Her husband is a psycho, and now he’s in prison.”

“I guess I’m part of your club now, considering that Olivia’s missing.”

“We’ll find her.”

The road curved. It stopped suddenly, with only a single chain between them and a huge drop-off.

“What now?” Maya asked.

“Let’s go down the turnoffs and see what we can find.”

“We’re going to be here all night.”

“If we have to be.”