The speeding car veered onto the off-ramp.

She canceled the call. Turned on her blinker.

Took the same exit. Followed through a series of turns until they came to a battered two lane road surrounded by trees.

Ari’s phone rang. The car speakers announced it was Damon.

“I should have called him sooner,” she said. “He’s probably worried.”

She instructed the car to answer, then caught him up on the situation.

“Where are you?” he asked.

Ryan turned onto a dirt road.

“Heading into the woods.” Ariana gave him the best directions she could.

“Can you wait for me?” he asked.

“I don’t want to lose him.”

“Okay. Keep me updated. I’m heading out now.”

They said goodbye and she ended the call.

The car bumped and jerked over the uneven dirt road.

“Do you think Ryan knows we’re following him?” Maya asked.

“Depends on how many people come out this way.”

“I haven’t seen another car since we pulled off the freeway.”

“Me neither,” Ariana said. She slowed, not that he would suspect them any less at this point.

“He might not even be paying attention. Given how erratically he’s been driving, he’s barely noticing anyone in front of him, much less who’s behind him.”

The other car picked up speed, sending rocks and dirt flying back.

Ari hit the brakes. Once the air cleared, she punched the gas.

The other car was no longer in view, but the dusty air showed his path.

She followed it.

The cloud cleared. No vehicle.

Ariana followed the tracks. Kept going even when weeds took over, hiding all signs of tire treads.

There were numerous turnoffs.

Ryan could’ve gone down any one of them.

“Don’t tell me we came all this way for nothing,” Maya said.

“We didn’t. Now we know where he goes.” She sped up, looking for any dust or other signs they were still on the right track.

“We’ve lost him.” Maya sighed in defeat.