
“How did it go?” Ariana asked, as soon as Maya returned to the waiting room at the police station.

Her expression flooded with relief. “She took me seriously.”

“Good. What did she say?”

“That they would look into him immediately.”

Ariana gave her a high five. “I don’t know what you said, but you worked some kind of magic.”

“I can’t say that they’re taking Lia’s husband off their list. She didn’t bring him up. Just wanted to know what I had to say. I did ask, but it was futile.”

“It’s a step in the right direction. Charles just happens to live between the two properties where the bodies were found. Now they have an actual suspect to focus on.”

“I’m glad I could help,” Maya said. “But even more, I hope we find Olivia.”

“This has to lead them to her. I bet the detectives will find a connection to Ryan with all of the bodies.”

“He needs to be arrested. There’s definitely something off about him. He’s got that vibe, you know what I mean?”

“I haven’t spent enough time around him to know, but I’ve been around people like him.” She leaped up from her seat. “Let’s find the others and tell them the good news.”

She and Maya went to her car. Ariana texted Lia and Rita, asking where they were. This was the kind of thing she wanted to tell them in person.

Ari handed her phone to Maya before starting the car. “If they text back, let them know we’re on our way.”


“Lia is going to be so happy.”

“I bet. Do you think—?”

Just as Ariana started to pull out of the parking lot, a red Maserati whizzed past going at least twice the legal speed. She blared her horn.

“That has to be Ryan’s car,” Maya said. “How many of those are driving around?”

“I’m following him.” Ariana hit the gas. She struggled not to go too much over the speed limit while still keeping the car in sight.

It turned a corner, heading toward the freeway.

Ari put the pedal to the metal and turned the corner just in time to see the other car enter the on-ramp. She blew through a yellow light, now being the one someone else honked at, and got on the freeway.

The car was still in sight. Hard to miss a vehicle speeding past all the others.

She turned up the volume on her police scanner and kept up, while staying far enough behind not to catch his attention.

“Should we keep following him?” Maya asked, after twenty minutes passed and the car still hadn’t pulled off the freeway.

“I’ll give it five minutes, then I’ll call my dad to see if he can run the plates.”

“You think he will?”

“Oh, definitely.”

Five minutes passed.

Ariana voice-instructed her phone to call her dad.