“That’s the way it should be.”


It took every ounce of self-control not to leap from the chair and pin her against the wall. “You need to learn your place.”

“I’m the kids’ mother and half of this partnership. I know my place. Do you know yours?”

He glanced at the pool.

The kids were staring.

“Go back to playing,” he ordered. “Everything’s fine.”

“Yeah, fine.” Brigit’s tone was flat.

They didn’t budge.

“Go!” He waved toward them.

Both spun around and swam away.

He turned back to his wife. “Everything would work so much more smoothly if you would just accept the way things should be.”

“They are the way things should be. We’re equal. Anything else is wrong, Ryan. You need to pull your head out of the dark ages and see that. Women are not inferior, and I will not bend to your will when you’re wrong. I have no problem with teamwork, but that’s off the table with you. It’s your way or the highway. So, you leave me with no other choice — I have to ask for forgiveness, because I sure as hell am not asking for your permission.”

He stared at her, words failing him for once.

“Any other questions?” she asked.

Ryan glanced at the kids.

They were watching from the far end of the pool.

“I have somewhere I need to be.” He rose, shoving the chair back.

“Are you picking up something for dinner?”

“You’re going to have to figure that out on your own,” he snapped.


He stormed inside the house before she could see his face flaming. How dare she speak to him like that? Sure, she’d always been a radical feminist — something she hadn’t shown him until after their vows — but this conversation took the cake.

If they hadn’t been outside where the neighbors could’ve possibly heard, he’d have shown her a thing or two. Things needed to change. She was growing increasingly out of control.

But he needed a plan. And before he could calm down enough to figure that out, he needed to release his fury.

It was time to return to Olivia.

He grabbed his car keys and headed for the door.