“How could you?” he said.

“What are you referring to exactly?”

“You know.”

“Do I?” She tilted her head. “You’re always mad about something, so it’s hard to narrow it down.”

“The new nanny.”

“You don’t like her?”

“Now you ask my opinion,” he said.

“Maya’s wonderful with the kids. They took to her right away. Neither have stopped talking about her since meeting her.”

“You don’t find anything odd about her?”

“She’s the spitting image of Olivia, if that’s what you’re hinting at.”

“That doesn’t concern you?” he asked.

“Should it?”

“I don’t trust her.”

“She has excellent references.”

He harrumphed. “It can’t be a coincidence.”

“People have doppelgängers. Remember when we met yours at the Franks’ Christmas party a few years ago?”

“That loser didn’t look anything like me.”

Brigit snorted.

“I want a different nanny for the kids.”

“Maya already accepted the job.”

“Then revoke the invitation.”


He gave her a double-take. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me.”

“Did you just tell me no?”

“That’s right.”

Anger roiled in his gut. “I’m the man of the house.”

“And I’m the woman. What’s your point?”

“We need to make decisions together.”

“You mean, you need to make them.” She stared him down.