
Ryan gripped his steering wheel and glared at the house. Brigit had gone too far this time.

He needed to get control of the situation. Or better yet, control of her. But his attempts so far had been futile. That was why he’d needed to take out his frustrations in other ways.

It was her fault he’d had to hurt all those women.

And she’d gone and hired the nanny without his permission.

Now he’d have to hurt Maya too. But first, her twin. There was no doubt Olivia and Maya were twins, even though Maya was playing dumb about the whole thing.

Women were a lot of things, but they weren’t stupid. That was what kept things exciting.

Ryan drew a deep breath and held it, focusing on keeping his cool. The kids would be home, so he couldn’t unleash his anger. No. He needed to remain calm.

His fury could run free once he returned to his captive.

She would pay for all of this.

He relaxed a little, knowing an outlet for his rage waited.

Ryan grabbed his things and headed for the front door.

Sirens sounded in the distance.

He froze. Relaxed.

They weren’t coming for him. He wasn’t even on their radar. His family was on the other end of the neighborhood as the bodies. And the only ones they’d found were on either side of the Gillon’s.

The cops were looking at Charles.

Good. He would drop more evidence against that fool if need be.

Ryan would never be a suspect. He’d see to that.

He gripped the knob as he unlocked the door. Braced himself for the mess and noise as he opened the door.

Silence. Nothing to trip over.


He closed the door behind him and crept through the entry, looking around. Listening.

It wasn’t until he reached the kitchen that he saw them. Outside in the yard. The kids were splashing around in the pool and Brigit sat at a table, wine glass in hand, yammering on the phone. Not even paying attention to the brats.

At least that gave him a few moments to himself.

He glanced at the kids — they appeared to be playing Marco Polo — before grabbing himself a glass of whiskey. Then another. It didn’t do much to relax him, but it did help a little.

Time to put Brigit in her place.

Ryan stepped outside. Both kids cannonballed into the pool, barely missing his expensive suit with the chlorinated water. Brigit said something into the phone and laughed.

He cleared his throat and sat next to her.

She continued talking to her friend, so he stared at her.

“I have to go, Allie. I think I’m in trouble.” Brigit glowered at him as she ended her call.