“Not here,” Maya said. “I’m in the neighborhood for an interview.”

“Doing what?”


Lia snapped her fingers. “That’s where I know you from. I’ve seen you around the neighborhood with some little kids. We met at the grocery store a few weeks ago. We were talking about a magazine headline at the register. But your hair was longer and you had a nose ring. That’s why I didn’t place you immediately.”

“Wait,” Ariana said. “You just said you’re here for a nanny interview. You couldn’t have been working here three weeks ago.”

“Is that your car?” Rita asked, pointing to the sporty Audi with the paper license plate still in the window next to her. “Seems kind of pricey for a nanny. What’s going on?”

Maya chewed on her lower lip for a moment. “Fine. You’ve got me. I’m looking for my twin sister. She’s missing, and the last place she was seen was at the Kane’s. I’m trying to work for them so I can figure out what happened.”

Ariana’s stomach twisted in tight knots. “You think she was buried on my property?”

Maya’s eyes widened. “No. I’m hoping she’s still alive. But the fact that bodies have been found in the same neighborhood does worry me. A lot.”

“What about twin telepathy?” Lia asked. “Do you sense her?”

“We’ve never experienced that. She broke a bone once, and I didn’t have a single sympathy pain.”

“How long has she been missing?” Rita asked.

“I last spoke with her a week ago. None of her friends have heard from her since then either.”

“A full week?” Ariana asked, pressure building behind her temples.

“We don’t know if it was that long,” Maya said. “I know it’s bad past the first day, but I’ve been working hard to find out where she even was.”

“I was abducted longer than a day and I survived,” Rita said.

Maya stared at her as if trying to figure out if she was telling the truth. “You were?”

“This boring neighborhood is suddenly super exciting.”

“Was it the Kanes?” Maya asked.

Rita shook her head. “My husband was behind it.”

“Back to your sister,” Ari said. “Have you reported her missing to the police?”

“Obviously, but do you know how hard it is to get anyone to pay attention? I tried filing a report in three separate cities, but they wouldn’t do anything because it was out of their jurisdiction. Now I know she was here, in this neighborhood. These cops have to take me seriously.”

“You didn’t know your twin was here?” Lia asked.

“All I knew was that she was moving around, working various jobs so she could see more of the state. Olivia was trying to figure out where she wanted to settle down.”

“You two didn’t want to be near each other?” Rita asked.

“All either one of us wanted was to get away from our family. We moved to Seattle, but neither of us liked living in the city so we went in different directions.”

“Do you want me to go with you to the police station?” Ariana asked. “I’m already familiar with the detectives on the case with the buried bodies. I’m sure they would take you seriously. They’re eager to find who’s behind this.”

Maya’s face scrunched up. “I hope Olivia isn’t buried there.”

“Those bodies had been there for at least a few years.”

“Ryan’s been busy.”