“He’s gonna be mad,” Lola said.

“No he won’t,” Noah said. “Not with Olivia — I mean, Maya — here.”

“Kids, stop.” Brigit turned to Maya. “They’re exaggerating. Ryan just doesn’t like to be kept waiting. But you don’t have to worry about him. He works so much, you’ll hardly see him.”

“Even if he is grumpy, I’m not easily rattled.” Maya gave her a wide smile, holding her gaze for a moment longer than necessary.

Brigit jolted. “Okay. Well, like I said, there isn’t anything to worry about. Let’s go inside.”

Noah ran ahead of everyone else. Lola stuck close to Brigit.

Maya adjusted her hat as she neared the doorbell cam. Couldn’t have Ryan recognizing her before she could gauge his reaction.

Brigit stepped inside first. “We’re home, honey! Come meet Maya, the interviewing nanny.”

Heavy footsteps sounded down the hallway as the kids put their shoes and bags into a closet near the door.

The man who rounded the corner wasn’t impressive. Average height and build, with the start of a bald spot though he couldn’t be more than forty. If she passed him on the street, she wouldn’t even notice him.

His eyes widened and his mouth gaped as he came to a sudden stop.

“Don’t be rude,” Brigit said. “Say hello.”

“I’m Ryan.” He held out his hand.

“Maya.” She shook it, and his grip nearly crushed her bones. But she managed a smile. “Pleasure to meet you. I’ve heard such wonderful things about you.”

He lifted an eyebrow.

“Doesn’t she look just like Olivia?” Noah asked. “Except for the pink in her hair.”

Ryan nodded, not looking away from her. “The resemblance is uncanny.”

“I’m curious to see a picture of her,” Maya said. “Do you have one?”

“No,” he said. “She wasn’t here long.”

“Why’d she leave?”

“She didn’t say.”

“That’s weird. Don’t you think?”

“Not really. She was flighty.” He turned to Brigit. “What did you make for lunch?”


Ryan scowled.

“We have last night’s casserole.”

He grumbled about not having fresh food for lunch.

Maya redirected the conversation, asking questions about the kids and complimenting everyone.

She needed this job.

Ryan had to know where Olivia was.

The question was, had Maya arrived in time to find her alive?