
Maya Pendleton held her breath as she pulled her Audi past the gate. It closed behind her.

She was in.

Her GPS instructed her to take the first left. The house was only a few blocks away.

After all this time, would it lead to the truth? Or would she only be disappointed again?

Time both sped up and slowed as she drew near.

She parked next to the sidewalk and took in the enormous forest-green home with cream trim. Was this the right place? Or would she have to start over again?

Time was not on her side.

Maya checked her makeup, raked her fingers through her hair trying to hide the magenta streaks, and straightened her collar. She hated professional-style clothes — it was like they were made specifically to be uncomfortable. Or maybe it was because she’d opted for the bargain bin ones. It wasn’t like she was going to wear them long.

She pulled on a sunhat and got out of the car. Then she stood straight and cleared her throat. This needed to be the performance of a lifetime.

Holding her head high, she took confident steps to the door and rang the bell, using the hat to block her face from the doorbell camera.

The door opened, and a blonde woman in an expensive yoga outfit smiled widely. Color drained from her face, and her grin faded as soon as they made eye contact. “M-Maya?”

Maya gave the woman her best smile and held out her hand. “Yes. You’re Brigit?”

She nodded, shaking Maya’s hand with the world’s weakest grip.

This was definitely the right house.


Maya stepped inside and looked around the grand entryway. “What a beautiful home.”

“Th-thank you.” Brigit closed the door.

“Where are the children?”

Brigit stared at Maya for a beat before answering. “Uh, they’re at preschool. I thought I’d show you around the house and then you could go with me to pick them up.”

“Perfect. I can’t wait to meet them.”

She nodded, still taking her in.

Maya pretended not to notice. “What about your husband? I always like to meet the entire family before I agree to work as the nanny.”

“Of course.” Brigit twisted her wedding ring back and forth. “Ryan will be home for lunch. You can meet him then.”

Maya chatted as Brigit showed her around the house. The other woman could hardly hold herself together, stumbling over her words and even her own two feet. Maya only acted interested in the job.

She was looking for any sign that her identical twin had been in the house. The last family said this was where Olivia went to work.

Other than Brigit acting like she was in the presence of a ghost — Maya desperately hoped that wasn’t the case, that her twin was still alive — there was nothing pointing to Olivia being there now, or ever having been there.

It wasn’t as if the family would advertise having abducted their former nanny. Maya would need to be hired so she could move in and really look.

When they returned to the entry, Brigit announced it was time to pick up the kids.

In the car, Maya asked questions about the children. She needed to appear really interested in them if she wanted the job, so she could find her sister.