“And to go through your house. Do you know what they’re looking for?”

“I’m guessing some link to me and one of the bodies. They haven’t said anything?”

“No. How long are you planning on hiding?” Damon asked.

“As long as I need to.”

“You don’t think that’ll make things worse for you?”

“Going to jail certainly isn’t going to help anything.”

“But evading arrest will only give them more to use against you,” Damon said. “Do you need a lawyer? I don’t know that mine will be able to help you in the same case that he’s helping me, but he has plenty of associates.”

“I have attorneys too.”

“Have you spoken to one?”

“I will,” Charles said. “How long have the cops been at my house? Is Lia okay?”

“She’s worried about you. I’m not sure how long they’ve been inside. They were there when Ari and I came back from an appointment.”

Charles swore.

“You should talk to them. It could be a misunderstanding, and they’ll let you go.”

“They have a warrant.”

“But if you didn’t do anything—”

“If?” Charles asked.

“You know what I mean. It isn’t that I don’t believe you. I do. But evading the cops won’t help anything in the long run. It just makes you look guilty.”

“I can’t go to jail. Lia needs me, and my agent thinks my screenplay is the one that will go big.”

Damon took a deep breath, and tried to think of something convincing to say. “Ari, Rita, and I are all here for Lia. You both have our support.”

“And my screenplay?”

“There’s no such thing as bad press, right? Maybe it’ll help.”

“It won’t. Trust me. Not this early in the game. Maybe if it was already scheduled for production, but even then I doubt it.”

“Then come forward to clear your name. The truth will come out. But if you’re hiding and not telling them your version of events—”

“My version?” Charles said.

“They don’t have your side of the story. The longer you stay away, the worse it’s going to get.”

“I’ve never killed anyone.”

“Then show up and tell them. Convince them. They’re desperate for an arrest. They kept questioning me. Now for whatever reason, they’re looking at you.”

“They aren’t looking. A judge issued a warrant. This is more serious.”

“Do you want me to come to you?” Damon asked. “It might help to talk in person. I can see if my lawyer will give his thoughts. He’s answered my calls quickly.”

“I do appreciate the offer, but I need to handle this on my own.”