He took Ariana’s hand, and they left without another word. Damon closed the door harder than necessary.

“What evidence against Charles are they looking for?” Ariana asked.

“Probably grasping at straws. Desperate for answers.”

“A judge wouldn’t have signed a warrant in that case.”

He took a slow breath. “You’re right. I’m just annoyed at Kamada. I haven’t liked him since the moment I met him.”

Ariana pulled him across the street.

Rita opened her front door before they reached it. “Come in.”

“Is Lia here?” Ari asked.

“Yeah.” Rita waved them in and closed the door.

“Did they arrest Charles?” Damon asked, taking in all the changes to the house. Rita appeared to be removing all traces of her imprisoned husband.

Not that he blamed her.

“They still can’t find him.” Rita led them to the backyard where Lia sat, staring at the pool.

Ariana ran over, and the two women embraced.

Damon raked his fingers through his hair, tugging on the ends. He was frustrated both for and with Charles. Why wouldn’t his friend at least let him know what was going on? Didn’t he realize they would do anything to help?

“Want something to drink?” Rita asked. “You look like you need to relax.”

He remembered her pregnancy. “I don’t want to drink in front of you if you can’t have anything.”

One side of her mouth curled up. “I own a bar. If I can’t handle people drinking in front of me, I have bigger problems. Besides, I want to get rid of Boone’s stash. Whatever’s left by the time I have the baby is going in the garbage. No more alcohol in the house.”

“Really? None?”

She stood taller. “You want some or not?”

“I’ll get it. It’s in the pantry?”

“Under the sink, next to the trash.”

Damon went inside, found the bottles, and poured himself a drink. After taking a few sips, he called Charles.

And nearly dropped the phone when he answered.

“The police aren’t listening, are they?” Charles said.

“No, but they’re going through your house.”

“Where are you?”

“At Rita’s with Lia and Ari.”

Charles mumbled something Damon couldn’t understand.

“Where are you?” Damon asked.

“Doesn’t matter. Lia said they have a warrant for my arrest?”