
Damon pulled onto their street, and his stomach knotted.

“The police are back?” Ariana said.

A single cruiser was parked in front of the Gillon’s. No officers in sight.

“I wonder if they found Charles.” Damon pulled up to the curb and looked around.

Lia’s car sat alone in the driveway.

Damon and Ariana scrambled out of the car and raced to the front door.

Nobody in sight.

“Hello?” he called.


He exchanged a raised eyebrow with Ariana.

She nodded toward the stairs. “I’ll go upstairs. You check down here.”

“I’m not leaving your side. There are armed officers in here somewhere.”

“Then should we even be here?”

He didn’t answer that.

“Hello?” he called again, this time louder.

“I hope Lia’s okay,” Ariana said. “I’m going to call her.”

Heavy footsteps sounded from the direction of the kitchen.

Kamada appeared. “What are you two doing here?”

“We live here,” Damon said. “Temporarily.”

The detective crossed his arms. “You need to leave. This is an active investigation.”

“Where’s Lia?” Ariana demanded.

“Visiting with a neighbor. I recommend you do the same.”

“Why are you searching the Gillon’s house?” Damon asked.

“Warrant. Go.”

“Is he a suspect?”

Kamada’s hand moved to his hips and rested on his gun holster. “What part of ‘leave’ don’t you understand?”

Anger roiled in Damon’s chest. “You don’t need to threaten us.”

“I merely asked a question.”

Damon stared him down. They both knew better.