“That’s true,” Ariana said. “But I think we should look into staying somewhere else. In case the warrant isn’t as bad as it looks. If he comes home, we should go.”
“I think you’re right, but we’ll jump off that bridge when we get to it. Let’s focus on our appointment. If we need to check into a hotel or something a little more permanent, we’ll figure that out when the time comes.”
“Right. It isn’t like we have much to pack.”
He gave her a hug. “We’ll add shopping to our ever growing to-do list once we get settled. We can’t keep borrowing from Lia and Charles forever.”
“And it’ll be nice to have more of our own things.”
“I’m sorry I haven’t made that more of a priority.” He tightened his embrace.
“Shopping hardly seems important in light of everything else going on.”
“No, but adding some normalcy to our lives is important.”
She got lost in his eyes. “I’m just glad that we have each other. I couldn’t do this without you.”