“He could’ve gone to the hotel down the street.”

“You think he’s seeing someone?” Lia covered her mouth.

“No! To sleep off the alcohol.”

“He could’ve called me. Or you two, if he’s still mad at me for wanting to make steaks.”

“It doesn’t have anything to do with food,” Damon said.

“What then?”

“Literally everything else. Plus, I think he’s worried about that script he sold.”

“Worried?” Lia asked.

“You know, fear of success. Since this one is going to be so big.”

“What are you talking about?” Lia demanded.

“Charles is an internal processor,” Damon said. “He has to think a lot before he’s ready to talk about something. I wouldn’t take it personally, hard as it might be.”

“I’m his wife.”

“That doesn’t change how he deals with new information. I’ve been reading a lot about personality lately. Some people—”

“I don’t want a lesson about my husband,” Lia said. “I’m going to find him myself. Demand answers. By the time I’m done with him, he’ll wish the cops had found him first.”

She went inside and slammed the door.

Ari jumped. “Should I go after her?”

Damon shook his head. “We have to go before we’re late for our appointment. If we miss this, it could be two more weeks before we can get in to see her.”

Her heart sank, but he was right. Lia was capable of taking care of herself. They needed to focus on their new house. “Okay.”

He remote-unlocked the Charger and they hurried out of the neighborhood and to the bar.

Charles’s car wasn’t there or at the hotel.

“Where do you think he went?” Ari asked.

“I don’t know, but I hope he’s not running from the law.”

“Do you think he knows about the warrant?”

“No idea.”

“You don’t think he’s the killer?” Ari’s stomach knotted at the thought.

“There’s no way.”

“Why do they want to arrest him?”

Damon tapped the steering wheel. “That’s what I want to know. But we’ll have to wait.”

“Maybe we should rent a place to stay, and give him and Lia some space. If he’s so stressed, we shouldn’t add to that.”

“I’ve thought about that too, but if he does go to jail we should be there for Lia. She isn’t going to want to be alone.”