“We’d like you to call him,” Kamada said. “Over speaker.”

“He’s not answering my calls. And my phone is in my room. I was sleeping.”

“Go get it,” Rojas said. “We’ll wait.”

Lia threw Ari a worried glance before heading back inside.

“Who was the last person to talk to Charles?” Rojas asked.

“I thought you weren’t supposed to talk to us,” Damon said.

“This doesn’t involve you,” Kamada said.

“I saw him last night,” Damon said.


“And we were at a bar. He was drinking.”

“Was he drunk?”

Damon hesitated. “He was a little buzzed.”

Rojas lifted a brow.

Lia returned. “He’s still not answering. See?” She held out her phone.

“Try again,” Kamada said.

“I just called less than a minute ago.”

“Try again,” he repeated.

“I don’t know what good that’ll do.” Lia swiped the screen. Ringing sounded over the speaker. Then Charles’s recorded voice asking the caller to leave a message. “See?”

“Call us if you hear from him,” Rojas said. “Any of you.”

They all agreed.

The detectives left, heading down the street and knocking on another door.

“Why is he under arrest?” Lia asked, leaning against the wall.

“They won’t say,” Damon said.

“Do they think he killed those people? Or is it something else?”

“Is he involved with anything shady?” Ariana asked.


“Nothing?” Damon asked. “Are you sure?”

“If he is, he hasn’t told me.” Lia frowned.

Ari rested a hand on her shoulder. “We’ll help you figure this out. Damon and I are already planning on driving by the bar to see if his car is still there.”

“And what will that tell you?” Lia asked. “It’s closed. He wouldn’t be there.”