
Ariana stared at the detectives, trying to make sense of what they’d just said.

“Charles is under arrest?” Damon asked.

“He will be once we find him.”


Kamada stared Damon down. “Maybe you should ask your attorney.”

“What does he have anything to do with any of this?”

“We’re not allowed to speak to you, remember? Did you say Lia is here?”

“She’s sleeping,” Ariana said. “She was up all night waiting for him to come home.”

“Nobody knows where he is?” Rojas asked.

“No,” Damon said.

The detectives exchanged a look before Kamada turned to Ariana. “Please get Lia.”

Ariana hated to wake her friend, but what choice did she have? She knocked on Lia’s door, then went in after she received no response.

“Wake up.”

Lia didn’t stir.

Ari shook her gently. “The detectives want to talk to you.”

Her eyes flew open. “Why me?”

“They’re looking for Charles.”

Her eyebrows drew together. “I don’t follow.”

Ari swallowed. “They have a warrant.”

“He’s under arrest?” Lia flew out of the bed, her legs tangled in blankets.

“Easy there.” Ariana helped steady her.

“Easy? My husband is under arrest!” Lia pulled on a sweatshirt and ball cap. “Is that why he didn’t come home last night?”

“I don’t know. He didn’t say anything about any of this to Damon.”

They hurried to the front door.

“You’re looking for my husband?” Lia said.

“Yes,” Rojas said. “Do you know where he is?”

“I haven’t seen him since last night.”

“Do you know where he is?” she repeated.
