
Damon threaded his fingers through Ariana’s as they left the restaurant. “A date with my wife was all I needed. I’m sorry I took off like I did.”

“It wasn’t like you went behind my back.”

“I let irrational thoughts get the best of me when I should’ve been here for you. Instead, I left you to deal with all of this on your own.”

“I wasn’t alone.”

“We’re a team, and I wasn’t here.”

She squeezed his hand. “There’s no point in focusing on the past. It’s over, and we need to move forward.”

“You’re the best.” He wrapped his arms around her before unlocking his Charger. “Back to the Gillon’s? Or do you want to continue our date?”

She smiled, and it sent a wave of warmth through his chest.

“What do you have in mind?” she asked, once they were in the car.

“Movie? Or is that too cliché?”

“Maybe, but it sounds great.”

He headed for the theater and Ari read off the list of what was playing. They settled on something lighthearted, and enjoyed themselves. Damon’s thoughts only drifted to the bodies a few times, but he was able to push them aside quickly.

Afterward as they headed to their neighborhood, his phone rang.

He answered it, and the attorney’s voice sounded over the speakers.

“I have great news,” said Di Fazio.

“What’s that?” Damon asked.

“The detectives have agreed to finish with your property tomorrow. You can move on with your building plans.”

“They’re really going to be done?” he asked, hardly able to believe his ears.

“I can’t say what state your ground will be in,” said Frederico. “They may tear up every inch looking for other bodies between now and the end of tomorrow, but then they’ll be out of your hair. And if they aren’t, give me a call. However, I’m sure it won’t be a problem. I was clear.”

“You have no idea how much we appreciate that.”

“Happy to help. One more thing.”

“What?” Damon asked.

“The detectives aren’t to bother you about Daniel Foreman unless they find a link between you and him. The fact that he was an associate of your father is irrelevant to the case.”

“I don’t know what to say.”

“No need to say anything. Just get your house built and put all of this behind you. Call me if anything changes, but it shouldn’t. The detectives understood me.”

Damon thanked him and ended the call.

“We can actually move on with planning the house?” Ariana asked, her voice laced with disbelief.

“First thing in the morning, if you want. We can go back to the paint store and look at more colors. Or we can call the architect. Or whatever you want.”

The look of joy on her face warmed his heart. He pulled over and wrapped his arms around her. “This really is over. We can stop thinking about bodies and get back to designing our dream home.”