“If you’re accusing me of something, I think I might.”

“I’m asking you if you know the name.”

Damon didn’t answer, didn’t blink.

“You’ve never heard the name?”

“Should I have?”

Kamada tapped the table a few times. “You tell me.”

“I’ve never heard of David Foreman.”


“Whatever. I don’t know who he is.”

“He was a known associate of your father. Ring any bells now?”

Damon’s body temperature spiked. “I need an attorney. Don’t call Ariana or me again. If you have anything to say, you’ll need to go through the lawyer.”

“What’s the contact information?”

“He’ll be in touch.” Damon rose, nearly knocking over the plastic chair.

“Take a card.”

“I have one.” He stormed out of the room, slamming the door as he left.

His father was definitely haunting him. If not literally, then figuratively.

He made his way to his car, holding his breath on the way out, and found the attorney in his contacts.

As Damon pulled out of the parking lot, a man answered through the car’s speakers, saying the name of the firm which listed at least four lawyers. “How can I help you?”

“My name is Damon Jones, and I’d like to speak with Frederico Di Fazio.”

“Unfortunately Mr. Di Fazio isn’t taking new clients. I can connect you with another of our fine attorneys.”

“My father was Cal Jones.”

The man on the other end of the line sputtered. “Oh, oh. I’m so sorry, sir. I didn’t realize you were of that Jones family. Yes, please hold. I’ll interrupt Frederico immediately.”

“You don’t have to inter—”

“I’ll be right back to you, sir.”

An ad for the firm played with soothing music in the background.

Damon tapped the steering wheel as he waited for the traffic light to change.

A deep, smooth voice spoke over the speakers. “Hello, this is Frederico Di Fazio. It’s so good to hear from you, Damon. How can I help you?”

“I need some legal advice.”

“That’s what I’m here for. What seems to be the problem?”

Damon filled him in on the arson, the bodies, and Detective Kamada’s distrust of him. “Are you familiar with Daniel Foreman?”