
Damon tried not to breathe through his nose. The police station waiting room was packed, and the only available seat was in between a guy who reeked of body odor and a woman who smelled like she’d just smoked a pack of cigarettes.

Finally someone called his name.

Damon leaped up and followed the officer to the same room he’d been in last time.

It was time to lawyer up. He would see what the detective had to say and use his right to remain silent.

This was getting out of control. Whether his father was haunting him from beyond the grave or this was merely a coincidence, the entire situation was beyond what he could handle.

The question that kept bothering him was why they wanted to question him exclusively. He was glad that they were leaving Ariana alone this time, but his gut told him something was wrong.

And given how long he was being made to wait, they were likely watching him. Examining his every movement for a sign of guilt.

Something he would never give them.

After what felt like hours, but the clock only showed forty minutes, the door opened.

Detective Kamada walked in, nodded at Damon, and sat across from him.

Damon waited.

Kamada waited.

The silence screamed between them.

Damon would not be the first to speak.

Kamada cleared his throat. “You’re a hard man to pin down.”

Damon shrugged.

“Not going to defend yourself?”

“Do I need to?” he asked. Whatever he said needed to be as vanilla as possible.

“Aren’t you concerned?”

“Why am I here?”

The detective straightened his back. “What can you tell me about Daniel Foreman?”


“Daniel Foreman,” Kamada repeated.

“Never heard of him.”

“Think hard before answering.”

Damon allowed a full minute to pass before answering. “Doesn’t ring a bell.”

“You sure about that?”

“Do I need an attorney?”

The detective tilted his head. “Do you?”