Ariana studied her. “Why not?”

“She’s pregnant.”

“I’m sure she’s not doing any heavy lifting.”

“What I mean is that pregnant women aren’t supposed to change cat litter. There’s something in it that’s dangerous to the baby. She doesn’t have anyone else to change it for her.”

“You sure about that?” Ariana asked.

“Of course. I’ve read it in several places.”

“You can be the one to tell her.”

“Someone needs to.”

Rita rushed out the door, her face flushed. She remote-unlocked the car. “You girls ready?”

“You’re getting cats?” Lia asked, when they were all buckling in.

“Kittens. I’m turning Boone’s office into—”

“You can’t change their litter while you’re pregnant,” Lia said.

“Why not?”

“It isn’t safe.”

“I’ll have to ask my doctor about that.”

Ariana’s phone rang.

It was Detective Rojas.

What could she possibly want? She’d just left.

Ignoring the urge to decline the call, Ari accepted it. “Hello?”

“Is this Ariana Jones?”

“Yes. What do you need, Detective?”

“We need to speak with your husband but can’t reach him.”

“He’s on his way back from his errands. I’m sure you can appreciate him not answering while driving.”

“I’m sure his Dodge Charger has bluetooth.”

Ari couldn’t deny that. “I can let him know to call you when I talk to him.”

“That would be fantastic. The sooner the better.”

“I’ll be sure to tell him.”

“And if he could come to the station, that would be even better.”

Ariana’s stomach sank. “Why?”

“It just would be.”

“Those bodies were buried in our yard before we moved in. We had nothing to do with them.”

“It isn’t about that one,” Rojas said.

“The one next door to the Gillon’s?”

“Just tell your husband to call us as soon as he can.”

“Will do.” Ari ended the call and squeezed her eyes shut.

Why would the detectives need to talk to Damon about the other body?