“Mine too,” Rita said. “She works with about ten other doctors in her practice, so if she doesn’t have an answer she knows who to ask.”

Lia relaxed a little. “Guess I should’ve opened up to you two sooner.”

“Obviously.” Rita gave her a playful smile.

“We’re here for you,” Ariana said. “Always.”


“What timing.” Lia groaned.

Knock, knock, knock!

“Probably a solicitor,” Rita said. “They always come at this time of day, and they can be pushy like this. Don’t they come to your homes too? I always ignore them.”


“Doesn’t the HOA have rules against them bothering people?” Lia asked.

“Like anyone follows that,” Rita said. “If they can get in the gate, it’s fair game.”

Knock, knock!

Ariana got up. “I’ll send them away.”

She opened the front door. It wasn’t a salesperson.

It was the two detectives.