Ariana didn’t want to admit that she hoped so. It sounded awful, but it would get the focus off her and Damon. She didn’t want more people to be dead. Just to be able to live the quiet life they moved to Rosy Hills for.

Claire looked at Rita. “Is Boone involved with any of these?”

Rita’s face drained of color. “How would I know? I never had any clue of his criminal activity before my abduction.”

“I only ask because of the timing.” Claire stared at Rita’s stomach and lifted a brow.

Rita’s hand clutched it. She looked down and then back to the neighbor. “What?”

“Are you …?”

“No,” Rita snapped. “Of course not. You should learn to be less nosy.”

Ariana grabbed Rita’s arm. “We have to get going.”

She pulled her friend to the Gillon’s house.

“Can you believe her?” Rita asked.

“You probably shouldn’t hold your stomach in public if you don’t want people asking questions.”

“Are you blaming me?”

“No, but that is a universal symbol. You should be careful not to do it if you don’t want attention.”

They went inside.

“We should go to my house,” Rita said.

“Trying to avoid me?” Lia asked, appearing at the bottom of the stairs.

“There you are,” Rita said. “We need to talk.”

“Do we?”


Silence settled.

Ariana started to say something, but Rita spoke first.

“If something’s bothering you, tell us. That’s what we’re here for.”

“You’re what’s bothering me.” Lia crossed her arms, but tears shone in her eyes.

Rita threw her arms around Lia. “Are you sure it isn’t something else?”

Ariana joined the embrace. “We’re here for you.”

Lia sniffled. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

“It helps to get it off your chest,” Rita said. “Let’s go to the kitchen and talk over snacks.”

Lia groaned.

“Or wine. I know my way around your kitchen.”

“You can’t have alcohol,” Lia said.