
Another crowd of nosy neighbors gathered on the street. So predictable. But he couldn’t blame them.

He wanted to admire his handiwork too. Not that the cops would let him close enough to see anything good. But it was a thrill just to watch them dig up the body.

The neighbors were already whispering gossip. And secretly, they were scared that their home would be the next one with a dead body.

Now everyone knew it wasn’t just the Jones’s. They’d found the one two doors down. One of his more recent works. She’d been a fighter, that one.

Not that it had done her any good. She was underground like the others. He was still walking around free. And he’d continue to do so.

Those cops would never suspect him. He was careful. Meticulous. Not a hothead like Boone Walker. That guy always thought he was smarter than he was.

It was something that had nearly gotten the jerk killed.

But he’d walked away from that temptation.

Someone tapped his shoulder. Ella. A stay-at-home mom who taught yoga on the weekends. Her kids weren’t with her because they went to a hoity-toity private preschool in the mornings.

Yes, he kept track of all the women in the gated community. Needed to know just enough, in case they became a problem.

He had ways of taking care of problems.

“Do you think it’s another body?” Ella asked.

“I doubt they’re digging for treasure.”

Her face contorted.

He’d offended her. Oh well.

She turned to speak with another mom whose daughter went to the same school.

The longer the cops spent digging dirt, the larger the crowd grew.

This neighborhood had seen more excitement in the last two months than ever before. At least more than anyone else had ever been aware of. He’d been dumping bodies for some time. His work had merely been overlooked until now.

And when the cops had questioned him about the bodies in the Jones’s now-empty lot, they hadn’t suspected him of anything. Just asked some generic questions, and he’d given them a smooth smile and easy lies.

They’d walked away happy, and he remained free.

All this attention on his work gave him an itch to kill again. But it took a lot of homework before he could make his move.

That was why he would never be caught. Not for the ones dug up, not for the ones yet to be found, not for the ones who would never be discovered, and certainly not for any still breathing but killed in the future.

Another neighbor spoke to him.

Couldn’t they see he wanted to be left alone?

He would pick one of these nosy women next if they wouldn’t be missed so quickly. If not by a husband then by a neighbor. They all had their tight-knit groups.

Too risky.

He inched away from the gawkers and stood off to the side. Didn’t have the good view he did before but at least people left him alone.

Eventually, the crowd thinned. People had kids to pick up, lunches to eat, appointments to make. He had work that needed attending, but this was more important. Had to see how this played out.

Hardly anyone else remained by the time the coroner arrived. By the time she wheeled out the ugly, wrinkled green body bag.