She paused at Rita’s door, watching the police activity where her house used to stand.
The door opened, and her friend stepped out. “Are they looking for another body?”
“She didn’t say. Just that one of the bodies was someone who used to work as a nanny at my house. Did you ever meet their nannies?”
“No, but Boone used to flirt with them.”
“Big surprise.”
“Right.” Rita glanced at the Gillon’s house. “Is Lia doing any better?”
“I haven’t gotten through to her yet. I think she’s having a much harder time with the baby thing than she wants to let on.”
Rita’s hand went to her belly. “I wonder if they’re going through fertility treatments, but not talking about it.”
“Possibly. It seems like she’d say something if they were.”
“Some people can be really private about these things. She’s clearly upset over my pregnancy. Can you believe how she was talking last night? Practically accused me of wanting to sleep with Charles.”
“I’m sure she didn’t mean it.”
Rita shrugged. “Want to come in and see what I’ve done to Boone’s office?”
“I can only imagine.” Ariana stepped inside.
“Come on. You’re going to love this.” Rita led her to a corner room at the end of the house with a view of the whole street.
The police appeared to be digging in Ariana’s yard. Did they suspect another missing nanny would be found there?
Bile rose from her throat. How many dead bodies had she and Damon unknowingly been walking over all this time?
“Did you notice the room?” Rita asked.
Ariana pulled her attention from the window and looked around. The room was filled with cat trees, toys, and other pet items.
“Are you opening a pet store?”
Rita snickered. “I’m getting two kittens. Boone hates animals, and would never allow me to get any. Now not only will I have some, but all their stuff will be here in his old office.”
“Are you going to tell him about all the changes? Or just enjoy knowing how mad he’d be if he knew?”
“Not sure. I don’t want to see him, but it would be fun to watch his reaction from the other side of the safety glass again.”
“No doubt. When are you going to get the kittens?”
“Soon. This house is huge, and I have to cat proof it before I bring them home.”
“Or you could leave them in here while they’re small. This room would be plenty big enough.”
“You have a point. I wouldn’t want them to get lost. They’ll be so small at first.”
Sirens sounded outside. Two more police cruisers barreled down the street, lights flashing.
Ariana’s stomach knotted. What had they found in her yard this time?
But the cars passed her house and stopped in front of the Gillon’s.
She exchanged a worried look with Rita.