Her heart skipped a beat. “Damon?”

“No. I would never — you know that.”

“Obviously. But you didn’t answer, and that scared me. You’re scaring me.”

“My father’s haunting me.”

“He’s dead. Gone forever. Unless you suddenly believe in ghosts.”

“I don’t, but somehow he’s reaching beyond the grave and causing this.”

“It’s just a coincidence.”

“Is it?” he asked. “That two bodies would be found buried on the property of Cal Jones’s son?”

All of a sudden she understood. “Don’t let what that detective said get under your skin. That’s what he wants. He thinks if you’re guilty, you’ll crack.”

“But it does look suspicious. You can’t deny that.”

“It’s an unfortunate coincidence, sure. But—”

“I need to step away and let this blow over,” he said. “If I’m not here to taint everything, it’ll all work out.”

“How can you even think that?” Hot, angry tears threatened. She blinked them back.

“I’ll come back as soon as this mess is done.”

“You’re leaving me to face it alone.”

“Not alone. The Gillons and Rita are here. And I’ll be back before you know it.”

“I’ll go with you. It isn’t like we have a house to worry about.”

“Don’t you get that I’m trying to protect you?” he asked, stiffening.

“If you really think I’m some damsel in distress, you don’t know me at all.”

“That’s the last thing I think. That’s why I can take off temporarily — because you’re strong enough to face this yourself. You don’t need me.”

“I do.”

“You’ll be fine for a little while. Think of all the times we were apart before we married. Absence always made us appreciate each other all the more. It’ll be like that again.”

She scooted away. “How long are you planning your getaway?”

“Until this blows over.”

“You don’t even have a plan? Just run off and leave me for who knows how long?”

“I’ll only be a phone call away. We can talk all you want.”

Ariana released a long, drawn out breath. “You don’t even care what I think about this?”

“Of course I do.”

“No, you don’t. You made up your mind before you spoke to me. You’re just telling me how it’s going to be. Real nice. I thought we were a team. Guess I was wrong.”

“Don’t do this.”