
The music was loud even for a weekend. Maybe Rita was feeling especially celebratory tonight since the mayor herself had chosen to celebrate her birthday at the restaurant.

Ariana finished her second daiquiri — the night’s special. Even though Rita had said drinks were on her, she didn’t want to add even the slightest financial burden on her friend. She’d buy her own, even if she had to sneak the payment to the server.

Rita slid onto her usual seat, an iced tea in hand. “Sorry to keep you girls waiting. You wouldn’t believe how chatty the mayor gets with a little champagne.”

“No worries,” Ariana said. “We’re just glad to have you back.”

“Stop. I’ve been back for weeks.” Rita waved over a server and told her to get Ariana another drink.

“Is it weird being in the house where you lived with Boone?” Lia asked.

“No. It’s my home too. Now it’s more mine, especially since I can decorate it however I want. I can finally put my interior design skills to use. Boone wouldn’t listen to a thing I said. In fact, he went against every bit of advice I gave him. I hope he’s miserable staring at the walls in his cell.”

“I’m sure he is,” Ariana said.

Rita straightened her back. “I went to the jail to talk to him yesterday.”

“You did?” Lia asked, her eyes widening. “Why?”

“I told him about how I donated his favorite things to charity. He completely flipped.” She laughed.

“You’re not going to sell anything?” Ariana asked.

“Oh, sure. But his most loved belongings? Charity. You should’ve seen his face. If he could’ve broken through that glass to get to me, he totally would have. I only wish I’d gotten that on camera.”

“What did you give away?” Lia asked.

“All kinds of stuff. His favorite Armani suits, that hideous painting in the living room over the sofa, and pretty much everything he’d ever bought without consulting me. Obviously I’m going to have to rent another truck to get all of it out — he loved buying things he knew I’d hate. I thought about burning all of it. Wouldn’t that be fitting? But it’s going to eat away at him knowing his prized possessions are in the hands of the poor. Doesn’t that say so much about him that he feels that way about people based on their income?”

“Doesn’t surprise me,” Ariana said.

The server brought her another drink, and Ari thanked her.

Lia leaned closer to Rita. “What about the baby? Whose is it?”

“Going there already?”

“When were you going to tell us? If we hadn’t found out on our own.”

“Soon,” Rita said. “I just barely got confirmation from the doctor before Mitch snatched me.”

“Did he know?” Ari asked.

“No. Only my doctor knew. I was still processing the news. Hadn’t told anyone — you two would’ve been the first in line.”

“Before the dad?” Lia exclaimed.

“He’s never going to know.”

“Because he’s in prison?” Ariana asked.

Rita shook her head and sipped her tea.

“Don’t drag this out any longer,” Lia said. “I’m going to explode if you don’t tell us.”

“The dad won’t ever know because he’s dead.”