Lia shrugged. “Don’t know. But wouldn’t it be brilliant to hide a body in someone else’s yard?”

“Or stupid. They could so easily get caught.”

Charles joined them. “What are you two talking about?”

“What else?” Lia asked. “Murderer theories.”

“They said the bodies were fresh?”

“Recent,” Ariana said. “I think that was the word. Everything has been such a blur since we got that call.”

“I’ll bet. Is Damon okay?”

“He needs time to think.”

“Is that normal for him?”

“Only when he’s really stressed,” Ari said. It had only happened once or twice in the time she’d known him, but she didn’t want to admit that. With any luck, after having the space to think he’d be fine. “What was he talking about with you before he left?”

“Same as at dinner,” Charles said. “He’s upset about the detective focusing on his relation to his dad.”

Ariana frowned. “The one thing he can’t escape, and it isn’t even his fault.”

“It really sucks. I can’t imagine having that following me around.”

“He’s resented his dad for as long as he can remember, and people won’t let him forget. Cal killed his mom, but nobody ever thinks about that or how it affected him.”

“What was his mom like?” Lia asked.

“I never met her, but from what he has told me she was the most generous person, always thinking of others before herself.”

“How’d she end up with such a psychopath?”

“Cal fooled a lot of people.”

Ariana’s mom included, but she didn’t want to talk about that. Not that her mom had been romantically involved with Cal, but he’d fooled her nonetheless. All to get to her dad. Cal had sent Damon her way to get to him too.

But that had clearly backfired when Damon and Ariana fell in love.

“Do you want me to drive around and see if I can find him?” Charles asked.

“No, but thanks. He wants to be left alone, so it’s best to give him his space.”

Lia started the dishwasher. “Why don’t we go to the bar and grill to get your mind off everything?”

“She said to give her a couple of hours,” Ari said.

“I don’t mind waiting. It’ll be worth it to get the deets on Rita’s baby.”

Charles lifted a brow.

“She promised to spill everything if we go there.”

“Whose do you think it is?” Charles asked.

“It has to be Mitch’s.” Lia turned to Ari. “Don’t you think? For so long, she couldn’t stand to even be in the same room as Boone. I bet she’s thrilled about him being in prison. I am, and I’m not even married to that fool.”

“Did you see the size of the moving truck she rented?” Charles said. “She moved a bunch of his stuff out earlier this week.”