“So he could be a problem.”
“Could be.”
Charles tapped the table and looked deep in thought. “I’ll say whatever you want me to.”
“What I don’t want is to put you in that position in the first place. Maybe Ariana and I should look for something to rent until our house is built.”
“You can stay here as long as you need to. We know it’ll take months to get the house up, and we’re happy to have your company.”
“Definitely,” Lia said.
“This is more than just building a new house,” Damon said. “Now we’ve got dead bodies, and that’s going to put a halt on our plans. Could add weeks or even months to the timeline.”
“What part of ‘you’re welcome to stay as long as you need to’ don’t you understand? We’re here for you, and we’re not fair-weather friends.”
Damon hesitated. “I appreciate the offer. We both do. But this new snag is more than any of us could see coming. It would be stressful enough for any normal couple, but when you throw me into the picture, it’s too much.”
“You’re too hard on yourself.”
“No I’m not. My father is Cal Jones.”
“And you aren’t him,” Charles said. “Let us help you.”
“You don’t understand the severity of the situation. And I don’t want to drag you and Lia down. You’re trying to have a baby. The last thing you two need is the fallout from having me stay here.”
“I’m a screenwriter. I deal with Hollywood all the time. Stress is a natural part of my life.”
“Doesn’t mean you always handle it well,” Lia muttered.
“What?” Charles said.
“You definitely said something.”
“Forget I said anything.” Lia stormed outside.
“See? We’re already causing problems by staying here.” Damon rose and hurried outside, passing the women who were gathered around Rita’s new car talking, and went to his Charger.
Ariana ran over after he started the engine. She motioned for him to roll down the window.
He did.
“Where are you going?” she asked.
“I need some space to think.”
“I’ll go with you.”
“Not this time, babe.”
Her expression fell.
“It isn’t personal,” he said quickly. “I just have to figure some stuff out on my own.”
“But we’re in this together.”
“I know we are.” He took her hand and squeezed. “And we’ll talk once I sort out my thoughts.”