All because of an upstart human. Kenhel didn’t have to voice those words, for they both knew they were there. They didn’t reflect Kenhel’s own beliefs, but it still stung, nevertheless.

Relian stopped all pretense of polishing his weapon. “That is doubtless how their views toward Cal lean. I tend to forget that while here, surrounded as we are by inhabitants of the palace. The sight of two human women has become commonplace to them, and most seem accepting enough. And, yes, I will tell her.”

Kenhel nodded, seemingly satisfied with his answer. “Good. You’re unlikely to hear much muttering from the palace folk and those down in the town. It may be there, but it is quiet. Some in the palace have grown truly fond of the women. Even those that haven’t, love you and your father too much to cause strife. Those further afield—those who oversee the settlements of Eria by the grace of your father—would have to be bold to give open protest. The ramifications of the very public support the veil gave quieted most protestors, but there’ll always be Eamons to rile up trouble.”

Relian frowned. Eamon’s attack on Cal was still an open wound, a painful reminder of some of his people’s intolerance. “Even princes and kings can’t sway their subject’s innermost thoughts and beliefs.”

“No, that’ll only come with time. Lady Cal is a most delightful woman, and all with an open mind will come to see that.” Kenhel gave him a sly grin, conspiracy in his tone. “The others don’t matter, as I know you won’t surround her with such people nor would your father allow it.”

Relian favored him with a grim upturn of his lips. “No, you know us too well. We protect what is ours, what we hold dear.”

“True.” Kenhel laid down the rag in his hands, reclined back, and stretched his arms behind his head, interlocking his fingers. “That was never in question.”


“Why didn’t you tell me why everyone was hanging around the palace?” Cal spun away from Relian to scowl out over the railing of his porch. Damn, why hadn’t he informed her sooner? Yes, she was getting used to the whole idea of being with Relian, but she still should’ve been the first to know about the date of their bonding. Really, how could he have kept this from her? Was he already sliding back into his old behavior?

Relian raised a brow, his face irritatingly calm. “Hanging? They’ve been walking, dancing, and maybe even running but never hanging.”

Cal narrowed her eyes. Relian reminded her infuriatingly of his father. Now she understood how Maggie felt. “Don’t toy with me at a time like this,” she snapped. Flouncing away from him, she wrapped her arms around herself. She sensed him coming up behind her. He turned her around to face him, keeping his hands on her shoulders.

Relian let his mask slip a little. “I only figured it out for myself today, Cal. Fathers can be cunning, especially mine. I’m afraid I didn’t see the signs of his maneuverings. Though he was more furtive than I would’ve preferred, he truly has our best interests, along with my people’s, in mind.”

She sighed, hating that he could offer up such a reasonable explanation. “But you knew earlier today?”

“I had my suspicions when I saw the number of people arriving.”

She shook her head. “You didn’t think to mention your concerns to me earlier today?”

“I wasn’t sure at the time and had to talk to my father.”

Relian did have the intelligence to appear a little contrite. Smart male. “I accept that you didn’t realize until earlier today and weren’t seeking to keep it hidden from me. Still, I’d appreciate knowing immediately about something of this magnitude.”

He nodded. “Of course. I just feel as if...we’re coercing you. You don’t truly have a choice. Though we can’t force the bond on you, the consequences are too great for you not to consider going through with it. Besides, there’s the fact you’ll be kept here, not able to visit your previous home until you complete the bonding. But you know all this.”

“Yes,” she agreed softly. “But things will no longer be hidden from me, though.”

His warm lips pressed against her forehead. “I know. Will you be amenable to the bonding?”

She gave him a bittersweet smile. “What choice do we have? Either of us?”

“None,” came the quiet reply.

“Yes, that’s what I thought.” She leaned her head against his chest. “I’ll find it ironic if we turn out to be the solution to nothing.”

“We shall see.” He stroked her hair, the pads of his fingers soft against her scalp. “I don’t regret what is to happen, just the manner in which it has been brought about. Know that and never doubt it.”

How did he do that? Take her doubts and make them disappear like smoke?

“I feel the same.” She buried her face in his shoulder, never wanting to move.


The book Maggie read slipped out of her suddenly lax hands and onto the bed. “So you’re going to complete the bond soon?”

Cal nodded. “As soon as it can be arranged, and with his father spearheading the planning, it shouldn’t take long. Relian thinks a matter of days.”

“Wow. Even though these elves might have forever, they can sure move fast when they want to.”