Relian’s lips thinned. He couldn’t imagine the horror of not knowing the fate of one’s child. “This is sad news, indeed. See that all is done to offer them comfort.”

Kenhel nodded. “It will be done. I go now with your leave to write up a report with the specifics. Do you want it presented first to you or your father?”

“It matters not, for that is where I’m going.”

“Ah yes, I should’ve guessed that, with the decadence of your robes. I know how you love them.”

Relian grimaced. “I long to take them off and wear just a tunic and leggings. But such a thing would shock the staidness that is this court.”

A delicate shudder racked Kenhel. “Thank the heavens I don’t have to dress such every day, and only during special occasions. Of course, then I’m trying to impress pretty eivain, so I don’t mind.”

Relian rolled his eyes and gave a snort. “You are ever one to chase the females.”

“Whereas you never have to do a moment’s chasing! Eivain practically kneel at your feet, awaiting your bidding and any small shard of affection that may happen to fall on them.”

A flock of females hovered around Relian and suffocated him by their cloying presence. He, like most males, preferred to do the hunting at least once in a while. There was no thrill, otherwise.

“That’s why I’m much less swayed by physical pleasures, my friend, than you are.” While he said this, his human rose to the forefront of his mind. He somehow thought she would not kneel at his feet, an idea that sent lust spiking through him. “I believe I may have the chase of my life on my hands all too soon.” He absently rubbed his left wrist.

Kenhel stared at him, eyes wide in question. Relian cursed himself for speaking that thought aloud and drew his arms farther into the voluminous sleeves of the robe. “It’ll have to wait. Everything will be explained soon enough.”

Before Kenhel could even form a reply, Relian said a terse goodbye and spun on his heel.