As she leaned into him, he wrapped his arms about her. She rubbed her face against his shoulder, luxuriating in the sensation of being near him again. Her mind went on autopilot. Though she should still be furious, all she could think of was being close to him. The past slid away, and she didn’t try to stop it. Reality would intrude soon enough.

He feathered kisses over her forehead and cheeks. “Though I admit to not liking your words during our fight, they struck too close to home to be entirely false. That’s a failing I and my people have to deal with, not you.” Relian sighed, touching his forehead to hers. “But I want to make one thing clear. I don’t see you as a child. I would never treat a child the way I treat you. A courtship is between two consenting adults.”

“Yes, but is it truly something you want to do?” Cal asked, breaking out of her pleasant haze and noticing that some color had trickled back into his complexion. He might love her, but did he want to be with her?

He nodded decisively and drew her over to a bench. “Of course. I’ve never wanted anything more.”

“Really?” She had to make sure. He’d made her feel special so many times before, but what if it was all just a charade to make her compliant? She didn’t want to be a mission to him nor a burden.

He frowned. “During our courtship, have I not shown that I care for you? I realize our ways may be different, but the end intent in courtship should be the same. Don’t the men in your home country court those they favor above all others, with the resolve to deepen a possible relationship?”

“Well, yes. But you could court someone without really wanting to.”

His brows drew together as he turned toward her. “You think my regard for you is merely a pretense?”

“It didn’t feel like it. I know you love me. However, after everything that has happened, I have to ask.”

He sighed and took her nearest hand in his. “That’s a fair enough accusation. I will not lie. For a brief time, I did view it as a task that I might find unfavorable. I wanted you, but I also didn’t want to pursue someone I had no true knowledge of.”

“I can’t fault you for feeling that way. I fought the same feelings at the beginning, too.”

“Then you can love me without reservation?” he asked, clear hope in his tone.

She blinked. “I love you, but the ‘without reservation’ part isn’t there yet. If you give me no more cause to doubt you...”


“Okay.” She smiled slowly.

“So you’ll let me court you again?”


“Then I could do no less than the men back in your land.”

Cal almost sputtered. Oh yes, he could. If only he knew how much less he had tried than the guys she’d dated. Those boys had been primarily interested in one thing and flitted elsewhere when they didn’t get what they wanted.

His smile spread over his face like sunlight breaking free from the cloud cover. “Good, that’s enough.” He tangled his hands in her hair.

Cal reached up and pulled his head down. Until she could claim him, she’d spend the time in the most pleasurable way possible.

He laughed softly against her mouth. Pulling away, he cupped her face in his hands. “Now I have a question of my own.”

Her stomach dropped. The serious look in his eyes didn’t bode well if he asked what she thought he might.

“What did you mean when you said I had ruined your life?”

She swallowed past the lump in her throat as her mind grabbed at any reason for delay that she could feed him.

“You leveled a heavy charge, even though I realize you said it under the grip of anger. But I still sensed a truth to it—at least a truth you believe.”

Pulling out of his arms, Cal made to stand up. This conversation couldn’t happen. She wasn’t ready. His hands landed on her shoulders and stopped any attempt at escape.

She drew in a shaky breath. “I don’t know if I want to talk about this right now.”

“Will you ever be ready?”

The tender understanding in his voice caused tears to spring up in her eyes. “Probably not.”