Another advisor, Cian, sighed. “Though this is very interesting, it doesn’t solve the issue at hand.” He turned his stern visage to Cal and Maggie. “Does your world have the proper technology to carry out research of a medical kind?”

Instead of being cowed, Cal shared an excited look with Maggie before they chuckled. “Yes,” the answer came in unison from them both.

Did their country ever have the technology! It was like asking a duck if it liked water. Better yet, would this be a chance to go home. How would that work, though? The veil supposedly only showed up when it wanted to. Even if it did make an appearance, would it let her and Maggie through? Well, they’d find out one way or another.

Cal tapped her finger on her bottom lip. “Maggie, don’t you have a relative who’s a medical researcher?”

The possibilities highlighted by that question shone on Maggie’s face. “Yes. He and his colleagues study all manner of medically intriguing things, well, intriguing to them.” She grabbed Avrin’s hand in excitement, eliciting a grin from him. He didn’t seem to mind in the least. Very interesting. Could her friend be falling for the handsome elf—and he for her?

For some reason, Cal watched Talion’s response. He gazed at his friend with a raised brow before addressing the matter of their discussion. “If we can’t determine a solution ourselves, it seems the humans’ Earth will be a prime place to visit for such knowledge.”

“So you think the veil will sense your need and let you cross over?” Maggie asked, asking one of the questions preying on her mind.

Talion shrugged. “That is often how it has functioned in the past.”

Cal piped in, not able to contain her eagerness. “Would we be able to go along?”

All the men glanced at each other. Alarm blared through her. What were they hiding?

Talion nodded slowly. “Once your year is up or you’re bonded to Relian, we’ll ensure you’re free to go.”

A twinge of disappointment hit. They’d only been in Eria for six months. Another half a year to go. If she bonded with Relian right now, would it truly make any difference to the timeframe? She was half-afraid to ask. “How about Maggie?”

Something flashed across Talion’s expression, but it was too quick for her to place it. “If you go, she can, too.”

He returned his attention to Avrin. “You know many of the healers, as you trained as one yourself. Will you see to the master healers, making them ready and informing them of the discreetness of this endeavor? They are to look over their books and scrolls and dust off any pertinent equipment. For now, they can use samples taken from forest animals and livestock to hone whatever skills they’ll need. Please do this in all haste.” He gave a pointed stare at Avrin and Maggie’s clasped hands. “That is, if you can tear yourself away.”

Avrin sent Maggie a quick smile. “My fair one, by order of the king, I must remove myself from your presence. Until later.” He elegantly vacated his chair and leaned over Maggie’s hand to place a soft kiss on it.

Kenhel, not to be outdone, swept from his chair before Maggie’s hand could even return to its spot upon the armrest. He grasped her hand and brought it up to his lips, letting them linger on her skin.

Talion watched it all unfold with an impassive face, his only sign of emotion an eye roll. So he thought the two males were acting like fools over his adversary?

Cal shrugged off the thought and slid her hand into Relian’s. As his fingers enfolded hers, all the stresses of the day temporarily floated away. Things were looking up with a tentative plan in the formulation—one that might allow her to go back to Earth. Which would be fraught with its own problems. How would they explain their absence and the presence of a host of gorgeous, otherworldly guys? Yeah, better start thinking.