
“What?” Maggie practically yelled.

“We’re of mortal blood. Thus we fit the ‘mortality cuts the link’ part.”

“Don’t even say we have to kill those darkindred to restore them, because we’re human. I’m so not going there.”

“The blood has to be willingly given, remember?”

“Yeah, right! Like they’d willingly let us spill their blood so they can return to normal. Not believable in any fantasy world, even this one.”

Cal shook her head. “I think it’s referring to our own blood, willingly given.”

“Our blood cuts the link if willingly given.” As the full repercussions of what she uttered hit her, Maggie’s face blanched. “They can’t ask that of us! I’m not opening a vein for anybody.”

“They can’t?” Cal leaned against the desk, arms crossed. “We’re the lone humans in a land of elves. They can ask about anything of us. And I don’t think anything we read in the passage actually alludes or calls for our death.”

“That’s reassuring.” Sarcasm dripped from Maggie’s voice. “It only calls for our blood.”

Cal couldn’t keep the snideness out of her own tone. “Trust me, I’m not wild about the idea, either. I’m not sure my hypothesis is correct. Even if I’m right, I still don’t understand the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of it. I just wonder what this means for us once it becomes known. What will our chances be of returning to Earth?”

She let out a shaky breath. Not home but Earth. Why had she said that?


Relief washed over Relian as he exited the antechamber of his father’s meeting room. Since his father was handling matters of court, he’d been able to deliver a blessedly short debriefing with the understanding they’d discuss the particulars later in private. Particulars like Andrian.

He was weary and dirty, though he wasn’t bloodstained anymore. Still, he didn’t want to take time to bathe before seeking out Cal. Every fiber of his being called to her, though he felt better now than he had in the last three weeks. Being away from her had been torture. He’d known of the theoretical effects, but to actually experience them was another thing.

Maybe he could persuade her into helping him get clean. That would turn a previously relaxing routine into a highly sensual one. At the thought of her hands gliding over his skin, desire slammed through him. His smile faltered. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could wait before the urge to take her crumbled his reserve. But if she stayed dressed and outside the tub...

Anticipation flooded him and added a spring to his step that’d been missing. He stopped a servant or two in the corridor to inquire the whereabouts of his lady before heading for one of the studies.

Feminine voices floated down the hallway as he approached his destination. Almost there. A twinge of disappointment hit that someone else was with her. He slowed his pace, though he wanted nothing more than to burst in there and take her in his arms. Cal wasn’t alone, so he had to enter with some decorum. As he took the last few steps to the door, which stood ajar, his smile faltered at what he heard.

“We have to tell someone.” The panicked note in Cal’s voice made him draw up short.

“Do you think that’s wise? What if they hold it over our heads?” a voice, which he identified as Maggie’s, replied. There was also an undercurrent of worry threaded through it.

He frowned. Though he didn’t know what was going on, he wouldn’t stoop to lurking outside doors to find out. With a rap on the door, he alerted the two women within of his presence.

“Yes?” Cal called out.

His lips twitched into a smile. That was his cue. He entered, and Cal’s surprised squeal greeted him.

“You’re back! When did you get back?” She flung herself toward him, but he easily caught her before she could dirty her dress against his armor.

He held her at arm’s length. She puckered her brow in dismay, and he chuckled. “I’m not clean. I don’t want to sully your gown.”

As she inspected him, she gasped as if expecting to see blood and other things smeared on his leather and metal armor. “Are you okay?” Her gaze traveled frantically up and down his form.

“I’m fine. Along with a few bruises, all I suffer from is weariness. And grime.” He looked down distastefully at his accouterments. Glancing back at her, he let her see the passion in his eyes. “I need a bath, my lady.”

Maggie let out a laugh. “That’s my signal to leave, I think.” As she passed them on her way to the door, she welcomed him home. “I’m glad you made it back in one piece.” A devious expression bloomed on her face. “I believe he could use some help in the tub. Enjoy!” With that, she walked out of the room, her chuckle growing fainter.

Relian pulled a blushing Cal out of the room, hurrying to follow Maggie’s advice.
