“I thought we were done.” She kept trailing her finger along his ear.

He scowled at her. “We haven’t finished discussing the darkindred because we got off tangent.”

“Oh yeah, with the social discourse.” She gave a pout, moving her hands to fold them before her. “Better?”

He grimaced. “I would much rather that your hands were on me than off, but it’s much easier to concentrate this way. That is, if you hold still. Your squirming is having the same effect.”

She froze. It did appear her fidgeting was causing a big problem that she wished he’d sate with her. They said they’d wait, though, so she wouldn’t push him.

“Thank you,” he said dryly. “Now to return to the problem of the darkindred. They are getting more powerful, cunning, and harder to stop.”

The light seeping into the room appeared more muted than it had half an hour ago. She shivered as his words cast a shadow across her heart. Relian was looking at her and probably expected some kind of response. “That’s not good.”

“I don’t say these things to scare you. The fight is far from over, and the people of Eria are strong and will not admit defeat. It’s not an option.” His eyes gleamed with a steely light that made the room brighter.

“When you say it that way, I somehow believe it.”

“Good. So you believe everything will be fine when I leave tomorrow?” He gave a mischievous grin as he reached out to tug on a wavy tendril that hung in front of her ear before letting his hand trail down her back. She quivered under his touch, and a satisfied smile spread over his face. “After all, I have seen battle for untold centuries. Any skirmish I face should be no different. We’ll go and come back as quickly as possible. Though I’ve never sought out war, I seek it even less now.”

The burning sincerity in his eyes shot through her body like a dose of pure sugar. Her veins suddenly seemed too small to handle her coursing blood and overwhelmed her already beleaguered senses. “Why?”

“You—I find it hard to leave you,” he admitted huskily. “The loss of your presence pulls at me most painfully.”

As his words flooded through her, she pushed him back on the settee. Somehow, she felt his sincerity as if it were her own. She didn’t want to think anymore, though. If he was leaving tomorrow, she was determined to spend their remaining hours together in more pleasurable pursuits. A make-out session was just what she needed.

After they traded several minutes of steamy kisses, she drew back and stared at him. They were both breathing hard. She was tempted to bond with him just so she could get into his leggings. A giggle bubbled up. That the word leggings described a man’s article of clothing seemed pretty hilarious, but they looked fabulous on Relian. It’d be delightful to peel them off him one day.

She sobered. If they bonded, that was.


Relian watched his sword as it flashed in the sunlight. It was tainted with the red of blood, as it had been so many times before, and no doubt would be so again in a matter of months. The thought was ironic. He received no pleasure from it but nevertheless would have to stain the blade with the blood of many others before he could return home.

To Cal.

They’d been apart for two weeks already. Their growing bond would continue to take a toll if he didn’t return to her soon. Even now, he felt the link tugging at him, urging him to go to her. Thoughts of her consumed him. In battle, that could lead to his death if he wasn’t careful. He was nearing the point of no return. They would either have to bond soon, or he’d start to wither. Though it probably wouldn’t kill him, he’d likely wish it would.

As he dispatched another darkindred by plunging his sword through its heart, a tingling awareness came over him. He swung around and slashed the enemy cleanly across the neck. The darkindred collapsed to the ground, clutching at its throat, though that did nothing to stem the blood flooding from the wound. Relian grimaced as the life left yellow eyes that’d been returning to their original brown. The creature looked so Elvish. Over the years, he should’ve found it easier to kill darkindred.

He didn’t.

It was still disturbing to see enemies he might’ve once called brother or sister. He had to remind himself there wasn’t much left of who or what they used to be. At least that was what he told himself.

Surveying the area during a brief respite, he took in the casualties suffered. Other than a few minor injuries, the elves were in good shape. The darkindred hadn’t fared so well. Those still standing would be quickly subdued, a few kept alive for the information they may carry.

Once every enemy was in hand, Relian wiped the blade of his sword on the grass to remove the worst of the gore. A few scouts would check the rest of the area for any lingering bands of darkindred while those soldiers on cleanup detail would remain behind to dispose of the bodies properly. Even amidst the carnage, his heart lightened with the knowledge that in a few days he would hopefully be home with Cal again.

The air stirred, and he froze. As he whirled to the side, an arrow thudded into the ground no more than a foot away. His gaze traveled from the yellow fletched arrow to the area from where it’d been shot. The figure standing near a tree was a sight that chilled him.

Andrian, his yellow eyes shining malevolently, gave a cocky wave before turning and leaping into the low branches of the nearest tree. Relian cursed. A horse would most likely be waiting under the coverage provided by the trees to spirit Andrian away. To give chase would be futile and probably deadly. No doubt a reserve of darkindred were waiting in ambush should he or any other elf give chase.

For more than one reason, his father wouldn’t be pleased that the darkindred leader was straying so close to Eriannon. Relian couldn’t say he was much happier.