Her mind chided her to stay positive once coherent thought had returned. At least she didn’t have to worry about flashing too much skin at some poor unsuspecting elf if they broke into a mad gallop. The loose pantaloons-type construction of her skirt kept her modestly covered.

Relian’s black horse broke into an immediate canter, jarring her into the present moment. Her horse followed closely. They rode at breakneck speed, or so it seemed to her. Her fingers wound even more tightly in the mane. As the strands bit uncomfortably into her skin, she winced. They were going to leave marks. Luckily, the horse had a smooth gait, and she hadn’t slipped in the saddle so far.

What a depressing turn of events from their idyllic ending near the waterfall. Though such contentment couldn’t last, she hadn’t expected this. What she had counted on was mental and emotional confusion. Well, she had that aplenty. Right now, confounded was the only way to describe her. Relian must’ve believed that this pace was the best option open to them. If she actually knew how to ride, she might’ve been a little more comfortable with his choices. She sent up a fervent prayer that he knew what he was doing and that they made it back to the gates of Eriannon soon—and in one piece.

When Relian glanced behind them and cursed, she chanced a quick look herself. Suddenly, their fast speed wasn’t the issue. Oh no, now it was the herd of horsemen she could barely make out in the distance. Fear clenched her heart. Shit. While the riders looked vaguely elf-shaped, she knew by Relian’s reaction they weren’t friendly.

He spurred their horses to go faster. Her mare, as if recognizing the danger, shot forward with a lurch.

A surprised, yet relieved cry ripped from Cal’s lips. The horse’s gait now jarred every bone in her body. She clenched her teeth as her muscles protested. If only their horses could sprout wings to aid their escape. But better shaken up than dead, right? The distant thunder of hooves told her that their pursuers were catching up. Panic swirled like a dark cloud in her head. Eriannon wasn’t even in sight, so outrunning the other riders might be hard, if not impossible.

An arrow whizzed by her ear, and she shrieked. A few more soared their way, but none hit her.

Relian shouted something to her about “horse” and “leaning over.” Even though terror nearly paralyzed her mind, she quickly worked out what he’d said.

And found no problem with it. She was already slouched forward over her new best friend—at least as much as she could be without losing her balance.

Relian veered to the right toward a small wood, and Cal almost tumbled from the horse. Scrabbling to gain some equilibrium, she yanked herself back to the center of the saddle. Crap, what was Relian doing? Maybe he hoped to lose the others in the forest?

Once trees surrounded them, Relian had to slow due to the uneven, hilly terrain and the closeness of the trees. At least he seemed to know where he was going. He muttered something. After a few moments, Cal jumped as the branches behind and to the sides of them knitted together, caging them in. The...the trees were protecting them at Relian’s command? It certainly looked like that.

Forward was the only way they could go now. As they did so at a quick clip, the trees kept shielding them in a wave of creaking limbs and rustling leaves. A sense of wonder welled under her fright and bubbled up. She’d known there was magic in Eria that the elves could access. She’d even seen a few feats of it, but nothing like this—nothing so elemental.

Relian led them down a steep ravine, one side dwarfed by a small cliff face. After hopping from his mount, he lifted her down from hers. He grabbed her hand and pulled her to the looming stone. Laying his free hand on a thick tree trunk that rested in front of the rock face, he murmured in Elvish again. Then he repeated the same procedure on the gray stone. Neither spell seemed to do anything. What was he doing? Their pursuers were sure to find them, even with the cover the branches provided.

As if to back up her thoughts, cursing voices carried on the wind. Relian stiffened but didn’t move. Just as Cal was about to pull on his arm, the tree suddenly bent to the side. A faint orange-colored outline of a door glowed against the gray stone.

Cal blinked to make sure her eyes weren’t deceiving her. Relian placed his hand against the makeshift door and pressed. With a groaning sound, the rock moved, revealing a shadowy corridor lit by floating blue lights.

“Come,” Relian said, pushing her toward the door.

Cal hesitated, her feet digging into the ground.

He sighed impatiently and pointed to the entrance. “Safe.” Then he gestured toward the canopy of trees where the angry voices came ever closer. “Not safe. Now go.”

Closing her eyes, Cal plunged into the opening. No lightning struck her down. She opened her eyes. No bogeyman charged toward her, either. Relian said something to the horses, and they neighed, shaking their heads. Then he stepped in beside her and shut the door with a handle she now only noticed. “The horses?” she asked. Though fear still clawed at her, she didn’t want the horses to be hurt.

“They go back to palace. Will be fine.”

She nodded, easily following his short, simple sentences after a few seconds of thought. Relian reached for her, and a flash of something red on his arm caught her attention. Squinting, she saw there was a gash in his sleeve, with a matching slice to his skin that still had blood welling from it.

She gasped and lightly touched the area below the wound. The damp fabric was tacky from the blood. Not used to touching such things, she had to stifle a shudder. “You’re hurt.”

He shrugged, not seeming fazed at all. “Mere flesh wound from arrow. Nothing at all. Will take care of later.”

That was a mere flesh wound? She’d be rigid with pain if she sported that slice. But he was a warrior for a reason and had probably dealt with much worse. Which was a thought she didn’t want to dwell on, because when she did, an invisible fist squeezed her heart.

Taking up her hand again, he guided her deeper into the tunnel. The warmth of his skin was something familiar in this strange place. She grabbed onto that notion as she gazed around with curious, wary eyes.

The smooth floor beneath their feet looked and felt like obsidian. Thank God it was dry, or she’d be unwillingly skating onto her face. The gray rock of the walls and ceiling appeared to be of the same kind as that of the stone entrance.

Fortunately, there weren’t any signs of insects or even a hint of webs. She almost smiled at the idea of some servant coming down here to keep the passageway clean and free of pests. More than likely, a spell or charm did the work.

Relian walked briskly, and she had to practically jog to keep up, especially on the inclines. Though she’d always considered herself reasonably fit, her legs and feet ached. She bit back any protest, though. A little run couldn’t get in the way of them reaching safety. Relian would need to notify the king and Kenhel about the people following them.

She just hoped they reached the end of the tunnel soon. Only then would she feel safe. Though she trusted Relian to protect her, he’d be one against many. Those were odds she couldn’t countenance him facing. Her heart couldn’t take it.